Fat experiences

Body changes impact your life!

Something happened today which was very exciting for some reason.

Got in my car and belly was pushing on steering wheel! I had to adjust wheel. It is little things in life.smiley

Congratulations. I remember when mine started to touch. I then dropped some weight. But gaining back now
4 years

Body changes impact your life!

My impact was seating in a booth at Denny’s. I use to be able slide into the booth without my belly rubbing up against the table. Now I look forward to seating at the booths that my belly will be touching my belly.
4 years

Body changes impact your life!

My impact was seating in a booth at Denny’s. I use to be able slide into the booth without my belly rubbing up against the table. Now I look forward to seating at the booths that my belly will be touching my belly.

I'm having that moment when I'm seating in a restaurant booth; squeezing into a booth and nearly being stuck trying to get out of the booth. Especially, when you're steady gaining weight and getting a bigger belly.
4 years

Body changes impact your life!

guess my first one was recent raised up my hand to get something down n my shirted lifted high enough it showed my belly
4 years

Body changes impact your life!

I've noticed that my back aches when I'm washing the dishes. To relieve the ache, I've had to bend down and support my upper body by placing my forearms on the edge of the sink as I wash.
3 years