Lifestyle tips

Partner on diet. help?

Honestly if you're not happy with the fact that they are losing weight, then maybe it's best to move on and find a partner who's into the fetish for the long run. I hope I don't come off as sounding like a dick... But why be in a relationship if you're not happy?
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

As someone that's gone through this cycle multiple times, diets are a key component in the road to accepting they're going to be fat and enjoy the glutton lifestyle.

Everybody has those chapters where they're a little stunned "I never thought I would get THIS big." But then a failed diet later, they realize they're just a new pair of pants away from comfort and the life they actually enjoy again.
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

I mean if she’s totally not in to gaining then probably best to end it tbh not to be harsh

But if she is into it but simply thinks she’s gotten ‘too big’ or having a moment of doubt I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

She will almost certainly gain back all the weight she looses plus. Just be supportive of it for now.
Don’t be sneaky about it be clear about encouraging her to eat, in my experience she will eventually turn back to gluttony.

In fact some of my favourite relationships have been with women who keep dieting back down, it allows me to enjoy watching them put it all back on again.

But again you want to make sure she’s on the same page. If you want a real gainer then you need a real gainer
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

Anybody know how to not be upset when your SO is trying to lose weight?

I am trying to be as supportive as I can, but it honestly pisses me off. It's not a control thing so much as a "why do you want to strain our relationship unnecessarily" kind of thing.

If her doing as she pleases with her body pisses you off or strains your relationship you clearly don't love her. If you did you'd want her to be happy. It sounds like you're more focused on you being happy. I think you should consider finding someone else.
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

Anybody know how to not be upset when your SO is trying to lose weight?

I am trying to be as supportive as I can, but it honestly pisses me off. It's not a control thing so much as a "why do you want to strain our relationship unnecessarily" kind of thing.

If her doing as she pleases with her body pisses you off or strains your relationship you clearly don't love her. If you did you'd want her to be happy. It sounds like you're more focused on you being happy. I think you should consider finding someone else.

This was my first thought as well...
4 years

Partner on diet. help?

You didn’t give much context so I’m left to judge the situation based on what you’ve given.

If they’re just trying to lose weight because they want to and you see that as a strain on your entire relationship, you might be an asshole.
4 years