Fat experiences

When i was weighed in front of others.

I have always fantasied about fa / ffa women weighting me on scale while same time feeling on my body and making notes about how fat has settled on my body.
4 years

When i was weighed in front of others.

One of my hottest fat experiences happened quite a few years ago when I was weighed in front of a group of my wife's female friends. It was hot in retrospect. In the moment I felt a mixture of embarrassment and emasculation.

Let me set the scene. It was myself, my wife and two of her friends. All three of them big girls over 300 lbs. Jed was also there. He was a big guy and very tall at 6'7.

We were drinking and smoking pot. It was a jovial atmosphere. The conversation got around to how tall Jed was and how much he weighed. I think he answered that he weighed more than anyone there. My wife laughed and asked if he was sure. She did this while snickering in my direction.

They kept asking Jed what he weighed but he said he didn't know. The girl whose apartment it was had for whatever reason one of those physicians scales with the numbers at eye level. She had recently lost a lot of weight herself.

At some point she persuaded Jed to get on it. He did and they came out of the bathroom and said he was over the limit. She said "it only goes to 400". He didn't seem too bothered. He just walked out and said "told ya so"

At that point my wife said "your turn baby". I was mortified. I knew I was over 400. What's my excuse? Jed was 6'7, he had some muscle and fat. He was big all over. I was sitting on the couch with my hips and ass taking up nearly two cushions and a pair of tits resting on my larded up gut.

I refused to get up. But they all ganged up on me. Eventually I gave in and I was marched to the bathroom. My wife had her hand on my back pushing me foreword like I had any say in it. Once I got to the bathroom I stood next to the scale. Jessica, my wife's friend, told me to get on. I got on and she moved the lever to balance the scale but it wouldn't. I was too fat for it. My wife said "aww baby" and Jessica said. "We got some big boys here".

At the time I was too embarrassed to enjoy it. But now I think about it all the time.[/quote

I went through something similar but it was my ex telling her friends about how sexing someone with a belly apron is like. Yeah, we are self conscious about it and turned on by it and we feel awkward about it. I say own it. We like to feel self-conscious about how gluttonous we have become.
3 years

When i was weighed in front of others.

When I was in the military reserves we had to perform PRT twice a year. This involved weigh ins. Since I was older and I've always been heavier than I look. I had to be measured usually in front of other members. The Navy had a system, measuring waist and neck. I did pass every time, but I was careful what I ate well before the date we had to do this.
3 years

When i was weighed in front of others.

My mom has never been happy about my weight gain and has been very vocal about sharing her opinion. Last night my boyfriend were over for dinner and she was complaining about how much weight I have gained in the last few months and how I had no self control with food. Out of nowhere she brings out a digital scale and demands I get on. I tried to refuse but she wouldn’t take no. When I stepped on she thought the scale was broken but then realized I was much heavier than she thought. She was so shocked that I was so close to 250. She wouldn’t let me have anymore food for the night and was insisting I start a diet. My entire family was going on and on about how fat I was and how embarrassed I should be. When we got home my boyfriend stuffed me like I have never been stuffed.
3 years