
Car stuffing

Anyone else do this? Go to a drive thru, order enough food for an entire family, drive to a scenic, secluded area, and tear through the whole thing?
7 years

Car stuffing

Anyone else do this? Go to a drive thru, order enough food for an entire family, drive to a scenic, secluded area, and tear through the whole thing?
Can't afford a car. Don't have a driver's license. I get stuffed until I look 7 months pregnant in the damn McDonald's. No shame.
7 years

Car stuffing

I don't know if I order a whole family's worth, but I do order a lot, even for a fat guy.

The look of the cashier is usually pretty surprised - to see someone as big as myself and his or her suspicions that all the food could be for greedy little me.
7 years

Car stuffing

Yup, but I don't wait to drive anywhere. I'll just stuff my face in the parking lot.
7 years

Car stuffing

It's not quite stuffing, but as I fattened him up I put treats inside the car, so that he would ALWAYS have something to eat -to open, to reach for. It really helped him plump up fast.
7 years

Car stuffing

OMG I am so guilty of doing that.
7 years

Car stuffing

It's not quite stuffing, but as I fattened him up I put treats inside the car, so that he would ALWAYS have something to eat -to open, to reach for. It really helped him plump up fast.

Is your name a reference to that song by The Mars Volta?

No. But I'll check it out
7 years

Car stuffing

I have only done this a few time. And most of the time I will go and find somewhere to park alone or a park & ride.
4 years

Car stuffing

Oliver Hardy:
Yes I love that. Quarterpounders, fries with double mayo and shakes are my favorites at McD. Best thing is to have a decent amount of those, then drive back in and order a truckload of chicken nuggets and McFlurry's while the empty wrappers are still visible on the passengers seat. The look on the face of the employee that serves you is priceless 😄

I always have trash from previous meals on the passager seats, this is normal for me. Even the look when i toss the empty soda cup out the holders to grap with my chubby hands the fully filled new large one or shake
4 years

Car stuffing

I've never, but it'd be really hot to see someone else do this.
4 years
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