
Discomfort while sleeping - maybe a firmer surface?

I don't know if this is solely the result of weight gain, but this is something I've only noticed as I've gained. But, I've noticed some discomfort while sleeping, that I didn't seem to experience even 20 lbs ago.

It's a slight soreness in my back when I wake up, possibly because I didn't roll over very much. I wonder if the surface is perhaps too soft, and thus sank in too deeply.

It's getting a bit annoying to deal with each morning. A couple times I even woke up in the middle of the night because of this, I think.

The curious thing though, is that I'm not close to clinical obesity.

I wonder if others have dealt with this, and what the solution was? Would a firmer sleeping surface help, perhaps?

I know that I'm not done gaining. I'd like to gain at least 40 lbs more, likely more than that. But this seems like a problem I would have to fix eventually.

EDIT: In retrospect this probably belongs in the "Lifestyle tips" message board but I can't move it. Whoops!
4 years

Discomfort while sleeping - maybe a firmer surface?

This seems to be one of those costs of gaining that a lot of people don't consider.
There's always the food and the wardrobe but rarely the car and the bed that cross your mind.

Even having just crested 200lbs today my wife now finds our old matress less comfortable. This is partly due to its softness and partially due to her change in shape which means her habitual sleeping positions from a few years ago are really working these days.

If you're continuing to gain, try finding new positions and using pillows for support until you've saved for a matress which you should really spend some proper time researching and trying in stores before buying.

If going big big, consider that frame choice and size of matress are very important too.
4 years

Discomfort while sleeping - maybe a firmer surface?

Pete, over at can probably help you out. He has a lot of experience helping people find a mattress that meets the challenges their dealing with. He has a blog in which you can ask questions.

He recommended a mattress to me back in 2006, and it was the most comfortable mattress I'd ever slept on. I'm still using it today, though my weight gain has made things a little more challenging. I may need to contact him again for a new recommendation.
3 years