Fat experiences

Work from home jobs = more fat

Yep, every incredible journey to obesity begins with that first pound of excess fat forming. Fat cells swell up, divide, and divide again, leaving smaller ones ready and eager to swell like the vanguard before them.

Lots of people experiencing that right now!

Someday, hopefully soon, all the restaurants will reopen and people will be throwing parties, and the guests are going to be hungrier than they were before.

Another trend -- everyone discovering at-home delivery of groceries. No need to haul your fat ass to the grocery store to keep it growing. No need to realize you're huffing and puffing a little more when you walk across the parking lot. No need to be embarrassed putting another tub of ice cream in your basket. Just click away and an army of food drivers will bring the calories to your door -- which is good because you might not be able to fit through it anymore.

This is so hot!
4 years

Work from home jobs = more fat

The lockdown will eventually end, but a new mentality could last for generations.

I suspect the pandemic will create a new appreciation for stay at home jobs. Kind of like someone living through the Depression would tell their grandkids and great grandkids to save pennies. I bet a lot of people will value working from home more and making sure food is stocked up. Some people will rush out when quarantine is over. Some will have kind of gotten used to it.

Talk about the perfect breeding ground for a generation of super feedees. And if you're a feeder, find some work-from-home software pro and fatten them until they can can use their belly as a shelf for their keyboard. I predict there will be plenty to choose from!

Sorry but no, I don't think so. I have to burst your bubble.

Most folks don't or can't thrive in such a work environment and even if they can, don't want to. Nothing replaces face to face. Most want to leave their work crap the minute they walk out the door of the employer's facility.

Others don't have the infrastructure access to do this even if they want to. Many don't even have an appropriate environment at home (very little kids being around is one very good example, or living somewhere noisy).

Many if not most jobs can't be performed from home or be adapted to do so. Even of the jobs that theoretically could, they may be at organizations that may be unwilling or even unable to do so.

A lot of folks are starting to go insane from the lack of face to face contact, too. They can't stand it.

Now, after this is all over, will there be a much wider availability for folks who might actually want such an arrangement, even if part-time (go into the office on just some days)? I don't know.
4 years

Work from home jobs = more fat

Yeah, Shipt is great and I get a different person every time so it makes it easier to spread
4 years

Work from home jobs = more fat

Working from home is very convenient. At the same time, I like that I can cooperate with different specialists remotely. In general, modern technologies make it possible to conduct business completely remotely.

Blubber belly:
I hear you. I'm very sedentary, working from home. I tend to eat all day. My belly grows bigger and more round. At a point, it became impossible to reach my computer. My belly prevents me from getting close enough to my desk.

You sound like my but I had to get me a steel reinforced chair too just in case if I gain anymore but I love the fact that modern technology can allow you to work without leaving your house. I have long arms so my gut almost keeps my at bay from my keyboard so I use my gut like a desk/table
2 years

Work from home jobs = more fat

Working from home is very convenient. At the same time, I like that I can cooperate with different specialists remotely. In general, modern technologies make it possible to conduct business completely remotely.

Blubber belly:
I hear you. I'm very sedentary, working from home. I tend to eat all day. My belly grows bigger and more round. At a point, it became impossible to reach my computer. My belly prevents me from getting close enough to my desk.

You sound like my but I had to get me a steel reinforced chair too just in case if I gain anymore but I love the fact that modern technology can allow you to work without leaving your house. I have long arms so my gut almost keeps my at bay from my keyboard so I use my gut like a desk/table

Blubber belly:
That's a good idea. I'll have to try using my big belly as a table🤗 I could put my laptop on it.

Yeah, I stay using my gut as my portable table and the wider it got the more room for a bigger laptop 🤣🤣🤣
2 years