Fat experiences

Fat pig diet

Ever since I hit 300 lb I have been feeling like a blimp so I decided to go on a mini diet. I did pretty well minus a few cheats. This morning I went to weigh myself and I have gained weight!

Am I too fat to diet? Am I fat pig forever?

Yes, I'm afraid so. You will just have to give in to it and get yourself a donut or twelve!
4 years

Fat pig diet

Ever since I hit 300 lb I have been feeling like a blimp so I decided to go on a mini diet. I did pretty well minus a few cheats. This morning I went to weigh myself and I have gained weight!

Am I too fat to diet? Am I fat pig forever?

I think it's likely that you will remain heavy forever.

There are a few cases of those who have been able to maintain substantial weight loss, but they are uncommon. They all require an enormous effort and a very significant change in mindset. Such individuals have to basically stick to both food they likely hate, and almost live in the gym (think 20+ hrs a week), leaving almost no time for anything else. A sad consequence of this is they often become bitchy and obsessed, not fun at all. And it's a process that takes months, even years of basically beating yourself up constantly.

Even in the extreme cases of "My 600 lb Life," virtually everyone featured on those are typically at least overweight or in the low range of obese at the end. Also, you must have noticed the weight loss Doctor himself is at least technically overweight.

So, why beat yourself up? There's less reason to than ever before. There's the body positive movement, and a lot more focus on plus-size fashion, so it's not like all you can wear are ugly mu-mus.
4 years

Fat pig diet

I was thin for most of my life, weighing 105 lbs. I went on a cruise and I let myself go. I gained 10 lbs in seven days and my clothes got way too small. I tried to lose the weight but my diets were a fail and I would end up putting more weight on. When I was over 200 lbs I gave up trying to lose weight and just let myself pig out. Now I am 300 lbs and I love to eat.

Wow.. 105 was really thin, far too skinny!

I love that you were able to really thicken up during a cruise. This makes me think that whenever I'm able to, that's another reason I should try to go on a 2 week cruise, and pack some clothes in the next size up just in case. And I love the idea of residual weight gain after that.

I'm not as far along as you are, but I too have noticed that with the more weight I've gained, the more I look forward to food. Not just more food, but fattier, more calorie laden food too. I suspect at a certain point I'll pass the point of no return and the seal will be broken.
4 years