Lifestyle tips

Overweight nurse?

I thought that was a profession that the environment, stress etc. all lead to major weight gain.

Most all nurses I have seen are overweight or obese.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

I work in a hospital. Lots of overweight and obese nurses, you'll fit right in haha.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

From what I've seen, lots of overweight/obese nurses here in the UK too
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Overweight nurses are the best! Soft hands and soft bodies! sigh .....
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Overweight nurses are the best! Soft hands and soft bodies! sigh .....

Agree and like this post!!!
4 years

Overweight nurse?

I thought that was a profession that the environment, stress etc. all lead to major weight gain.

Most all nurses I have seen are overweight or obese.

What's really great is their uniforms are tight meaning they're getting fatter.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Yes, I love it when their butt has gotten so big, that you can clearly see their panty lines. The fabric having been pulled so tight.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Hey! I'm a feede who wants to become so fat but I'm studying nursing and I'm afraid that I will become that fat that it's uncomfortable for working as a nurse (I'm still at college)

my gf is a nurse with over 20 years on the job. she is over 400 lbs, and she agrees with others on this thread that there seems to be a higher average of obesity in that profession.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Hey! I'm a feede who wants to become so fat but I'm studying nursing and I'm afraid that I will become that fat that it's uncomfortable for working as a nurse (I'm still at college)

my gf is a nurse with over 20 years on the job. she is over 400 lbs, and she agrees with others on this thread that there seems to be a higher average of obesity in that profession.

Totally agree. My first truly fat partner was a nurse and she (for the UK) was pretty big at 24stone@5'7" (336lbs).

Most of her nursing friends were north of 16stone. I think the heft actually helps with moving patients.

We're still friends and she's progressed very well in her career and hasn't shed a pound as far as I can tell.

What I can say though is that it is all through eating and not due to being sedentary. It's an active job so gaining and maintaining weight needs calories.

It's stressful too so the body will crave the calories.
4 years

Overweight nurse?

My friend is a nurse. She has dinner with the crew at work then goes home and eats the dinner her wife made. Appreciative patients/family bring snacks. Drug companies buy huge lunches. Nurses don't stay skinny long.
4 years
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