Fat experiences

Public transport, lack of space between seats.

I just take two spots and make it very clear that I can't make space. Still get dirty looks but I'm fine with it. I wouldn't want to fit in one of those tiny public transit or airplane seats.
4 years

Public transport, lack of space between seats.

I like to sit next to a plump girl on the bus if we fit in the same seat
4 years

Public transport, lack of space between seats.

While I like idea of public transportation, I've always hated the execution. I don't mind if I'm allowed to stand and it's a short trip, but flying is the absolute worst.

The seats are about the width of my rib cage, so my shoulders and arms project out on both sides, usually into the face of whoever is next to me and into the aisle on the other side. Because F-NO I'm not sitting in the middle, I'd probably eat somebody if they made me.

My thighs are longer than the distance between the seats so one of my knees is always up painfully mashing my shin into the bottom of the tray, and the other leg is out in the aisle. I end up spending most of a transatlantic flight standing and walking around just to not be in the seat.
4 years

Public transport, lack of space between seats.

For most of the country, public transportation is going to take a hit for a while. People are avoiding congested places right now, and I expect that to last.

Places like NY and Chicago are going to rebound some, but still I get ridership fails to rebound.

Good news since all those growing fatties will not be encouraged to stop by congested travel! :-D
4 years

Public transport, lack of space between seats.

Hi! I haven't use public transports for a while thanks to the virus, but when I used them the seats were such a pain.

People give you mean looks if you take up more space than average, and there have been times when people would rather stand than to sit next to me. (Okay I did take up a bit of their sitting space, but still...)

Have you experienced these kind of situations?
All the time lol I think all of us fatties have probably
4 years