
Wife’s reluctance

Perhaps tell her straight out that you love her body and you have always kind of had a fetish or kink to see what it is like to be with a lady of 200lbs or a little over. Honestly, doing just that, being honest about your fetish may be the answer. It is hard for some people to understand this fetish so do the best you can to be honest and open about it with her.

She may agree to the 200lbs, but keep in mind she needs to feel comfortable in her own skin. If she is not, no amount of subtle encouraging will change that. The honesty may help with reassurance, and maybe she gives gaining a try. But again, if she is feeling uncomfortable about herself and her body not only let her lose weight but help her do it. However, you could maybe ask if she does decide to diet and exercise, perhaps not go rail thin because you like having a lil something to hold onto.

Essentially, communicate and comprise.
4 years

Wife’s reluctance

I would guess she is probably looking for reassurance or something akin to it that you are with her through thick and thin (pun intended). And like I said, if she is struggling with confidence, perhaps she is not comfortable in her own skin, but in certain instances trying to show off like she has still got the ever elusive IT factor.

I would be very direct with her about it. Ask her all the questions you need information wise, like when does she want to do measurements, what is her target weight, is she going to be more ok with a sudden change in diet or a gradual one, and so on. And you end with, because you are getting mixed messages but want to help cause you know, you love her and all that jazz.
4 years

Wife’s reluctance

The pictures had shown up before I replied lol. I would say she is probably feeling less comfortable about getting into what she considers plus size, which is most likely, what the clothing industry considers plus size.

Still see if she will compromise. You help her lose a little weight and maybe she can gain a little back in the fall and winter for you. X-P Could be fun. Lol
4 years

Wife’s reluctance

Sounds like a psychological barrier; the concept of being a plus size is scaring her. Keep up the encouraging words, though. If it counts for anything, she looks amazing in the photos. I don’t really see anything “extra” in those pictures besides curves. Everything is in proportion. Her figure is perfect. Curvy like a woman should be smiley
4 years

Wife’s reluctance

Let her be who she wants (and needs) to be. Don’t press her to change. Be happy for what you have and support her no matter what.

Sorry to tell you that, this may not be what you expected to read. But you just have to be patient.
4 years

Wife’s reluctance

Your wife's health (mental/physical) and happiness with herself comes before your fetish. Always. You can't "encourage" her to this if she doesn't want it and it doesn't look like she does. You must love her first for who she is.

Consider your own language here. You're basically saying "she's still not big enough" and yet you married her knowing she didn't want to be that size? She lives in a society that tells her "she's still not small enough" and all she needs is pure acceptance for who she is - not what you want her to be.

This is something only she can figure out on her own, your only job is to be a supportive husband and love her unconditionally, not to ask fetishists about how to basically manipulate her into wanting/accepting a body the way we do.
4 years