Feedback and suggestions

Multiple links look strange in posts

For whatever reason, if I make a post with multiple URLs, without using BBCode, the 2nd and subsequent links in the post will have the same link text as the first link, but if you hover over any of the links, it will show that if clicked, it would lead to the correct, intended URL.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the CMS that FF utilizes, nor am I familiar with the code that is used to convert text URLs into clickable hyperlinks. So, I'm unable to provide specific assistance.

However, it's clear there's a coding logic error somewhere, where instead of using the text of the subsequent URLs, it's instead reusing the text from the first link. That's the only thought or suggestion I really have to potentially resolve this problem.

I know, logic errors are the worst. At least syntax errors show up during compiling or executing, as it does in the case of PHP.
4 years