Lifestyle tips

What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

I've been purposely trying to gain weight with some, small success since 2015. I started around 135 lbs and managed to reach a high of 210 by 2017, but I've since plateaued at ~170 since. My appetite is frustratingly low, and when I have anxiety this only gets worse; sometimes my body feels downright averse to food despite being really hungry. Even weed often doesn't help anymore.

Does anyone know of some tips, advice, or methods for tricking my body into being hungrier, or habits I can form to shift back into gaining mode over time?

Edit: My apologies if this would've been better placed in the Gaining subforum.
4 years

What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

Great work getting over 200 in the first place. I also struggle with appetite but I’m trying different things to find what works for me, like right now I’m not allowing myself anything until I’ve been awake an hour and I feel hollow (counting down).
Pressure to meet a target takes the fun out most things, I’m a grazer and tend to pick away while I’m doing other things (until I realise the bag is empty and I need more sweets).
Bongs are supposed to be brilliant for boosting hunger, probably better than a joint due to the exclusion of tobacco which (I believe) suppresses hunger.
Let me know if this is any help, my hour is up so off to the kitchen to silence the rumble.
4 years

What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

I have the same problem and I hate it. I want to have the same capacity and appetite that others do.
4 years

What are some ways to fight consistently low appetite?

I have the same problem and I hate it. I want to have the same capacity and appetite that others do.

I’m working up to that, and starting from one ‘meal’ a day it will take some time, but focusing on the result will put pressure on yourself, enjoy the journey, every step/snack of the way.
4 years