Lifestyle tips

Managing heartburn

So this is something that I’m constantly dealing with. Sometimes it’s not bad and other times it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I have to rush to the restroom. I take Prilosec but it only does so much to manage. I notice the more I gain the more frequent it is. I don’t know if I should change what I’m eating or change the time that I eat. Any advice would help!
4 years

Managing heartburn

I had this when I gained a year or so ago. I stopped gaining for a month and the problem went away. I have since gained back to above where I was before without the problem recurring. So maybe a break for a few weeks? Gaining has to be fun and heartburn or GERD is bad news.
4 years

Managing heartburn

I echo Curveman's experience. It bubbles up every now and again, but not like it used to be. I do find it worse lying on my right side, I guess because that makes my stomach higher than my mouth?!
4 years

Managing heartburn

See your doctor and ask them to prescribe Lanzoprazole. They may carry out a test for H. pylori first. Lanzoprazole is one of a group of medications called proton pump inhibitors. They are very safe and should relieve your symptoms of acid reflux entirely.
4 years

Managing heartburn

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water and chug it heartburn will be gone in seconds
4 years

Managing heartburn

I had loads of problems with this! It can be a big problem at night, as you're lying down. My doctor recommended a big swig of Gaviscon Double Action every night straight before bed and it does work. Just try out the various antacid stuff that you can buy out there and see which works best.
If it's worse, see your doctor about getting Lansoprazole prescribed:I have it daily now and it works too
4 years

Managing heartburn

Thank you all for the advice! I’ve definitely taken a few things away from this, really appreciate it. I’ve actually never heard of the term GERD before lol.
4 years

Managing heartburn

I only had this problem when I tried gaining weight by eating a lot of carbs. You can counteract it, to an extent, by drinking alkaline water.

Now that I'm relying entirely on heavy whipping cream to gain weight, I don't have this problem at all. I'm very grateful for that.
3 years