
Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

For most people I’ve spoken to about this, which has been a lot (I like to hear people’s feedism backstories), nearly all of us have had to deal with some amount of shame along the way towards engaging confidently and happily with this fetish community.
What that shame has felt like to each person whose experienced it, though, does tends to vary. For me it wasn’t thinking negatively about myself for what was turning me on, just a *strong, deep-seated* apprehension and aversion towards any notion of where my feedee desires might one day take me if I let myself go. I had a very limited range of fantasy weight gain and anything beyond that gave me a jolt of anxiety and instantly turned me off.
I knew at the time that the anxiety feels came from the fear of only belonging outside of society as I knew it, like a “fear of future shame”... in hindsight, there’s not a lot of difference, if any, to the shame you asked about.

I encourage you to keep in mind that feeling ashamed of a fetish, or any aspect of your sexuality and/or fantasies, is a reaction to the way you’ve seen fatness and/or feedism rejected by your family/loved ones, social life, and society as a whole. A few thousand years ago, social rejection meant certain death; this is not a trivial thing to overcome.

tl;dr: The shame is normal. It’s just your lizard brain telling you you’ll die if you buck societal rules and norms (you won’t).

Honestly, I’ve got a load I could add about how I personally got from “there” to here, if you want to hear it..? I tend to ramble in these posts so I’ll spare y’all until I’m asked 🤣
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

For most people I’ve spoken to about this, which has been a lot (I like to hear people’s feedism backstories), nearly all of us have had to deal with some amount of shame along the way towards engaging confidently and happily with this fetish community.
What that shame has felt like to each person whose experienced it, though, does tends to vary. For me it wasn’t thinking negatively about myself for what was turning me on, just a *strong, deep-seated* apprehension and aversion towards any notion of where my feedee desires might one day take me if I let myself go. I had a very limited range of fantasy weight gain and anything beyond that gave me a jolt of anxiety and instantly turned me off.
I knew at the time that the anxiety feels came from the fear of only belonging outside of society as I knew it, like a “fear of future shame”... in hindsight, there’s not a lot of difference, if any, to the shame you asked about.

I encourage you to keep in mind that feeling ashamed of a fetish, or any aspect of your sexuality and/or fantasies, is a reaction to the way you’ve seen fatness and/or feedism rejected by your family/loved ones, social life, and society as a whole. A few thousand years ago, social rejection meant certain death; this is not a trivial thing to overcome.

tl;dr: The shame is normal. It’s just your lizard brain telling you you’ll die if you buck societal rules and norms (you won’t).

Honestly, I’ve got a load I could add about how I personally got from “there” to here, if you want to hear it..? I tend to ramble in these posts so I’ll spare y’all until I’m asked 🤣
I say; let's hear it
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

Not really. To be fair, I’m not really that into it. I don’t want to be fat myself, I wouldn’t care if my partner was fat or not. I just like reading the stories and hearing what it’s like for other people. I definitely don’t think that’s a bad thing.
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

Not really its a part of me, better to accept and embrace it
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

For most people I’ve spoken to about this, which has been a lot (I like to hear people’s feedism backstories), nearly all of us have had to deal with some amount of shame along the way towards engaging confidently and happily with this fetish community.
What that shame has felt like to each person whose experienced it, though, does tends to vary. For me it wasn’t thinking negatively about myself for what was turning me on, just a *strong, deep-seated* apprehension and aversion towards any notion of where my feedee desires might one day take me if I let myself go. I had a very limited range of fantasy weight gain and anything beyond that gave me a jolt of anxiety and instantly turned me off.
I knew at the time that the anxiety feels came from the fear of only belonging outside of society as I knew it, like a “fear of future shame”... in hindsight, there’s not a lot of difference, if any, to the shame you asked about.

I encourage you to keep in mind that feeling ashamed of a fetish, or any aspect of your sexuality and/or fantasies, is a reaction to the way you’ve seen fatness and/or feedism rejected by your family/loved ones, social life, and society as a whole. A few thousand years ago, social rejection meant certain death; this is not a trivial thing to overcome.

tl;dr: The shame is normal. It’s just your lizard brain telling you you’ll die if you buck societal rules and norms (you won’t).

Honestly, I’ve got a load I could add about how I personally got from “there” to here, if you want to hear it..? I tend to ramble in these posts so I’ll spare y’all until I’m asked 🤣

I would actually love to hear it!
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?


Honestly, I’ve got a load I could add about how I personally got from “there” to here, if you want to hear it..? I tend to ramble in these posts so I’ll spare y’all until I’m asked 🤣

I for one would absolutely love to hear this - you write the best things on this forum!
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

The only time I feel embarrassed if I’m talking to someone who doesn’t share the same fetish, like my ex found out and saw everything and he was kind of shaming me when he was asking but it was just awkward when he went in my phone and found everything lol
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

I used to, I always liked bigger girls but would take a fair bit of flack for it from peers. I remember a particularly cruel ex-friend singing ‘what’s that coming over the hill’ when he saw my then-partner. His mates joined in, it was awful! I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.
Back then I was so scared of what people thought and how cruel they were that I was thin for camouflage and had a dangerous habit of not eating and was so unhappy, I knew it had to change.
I’m so glad it has, I’m not ashamed any more, and those comments in the street don’t have the effect they want them to any more!
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

I'm still relatively new to this world so I do feel a bit of shame when questions come from family and friends. Although I'm the feeder in my relationship, so my poor husband has to deal with most of the concern/nagging.

Aww bless him, sounds like he deserves a sweet sugary treat for being good.
And I think I do too.
4 years

Do you ever feel shame for this fetish ?

The only time I feel embarrassed if I’m talking to someone who doesn’t share the same fetish, like my ex found out and saw everything and he was kind of shaming me when he was asking but it was just awkward when he went in my phone and found everything lol

He went in your phone?! That’s a red flag right there in my book.
I can’t hide it any more, nor do I want to. If my next partner can’t accept this part of me then I know they’re not the one.
4 years
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