Fat experiences

Fluctuating preferences?

Does anyone else experience a regular fluctuation of preferences (as a FA) or goals (as a feedee)?

Weight is not the single most important factor for me. I can get attracted to girls who are stick thin and also to those who are just barely mobile (complete immobility is a turnoff).

But the "ideal" weight fluctuates slowly but regularly, between just barely big enough so that she can't hide she's overweight with clothing, posture or sucking the belly in, and the biggest weight she can still take care of herself with even if only with great difficulties.
4 years

Fluctuating preferences?

Does anyone else experience a regular fluctuation of preferences (as a FA) or goals (as a feedee)?

Weight is not the single most important factor for me. I can get attracted to girls who are stick thin and also to those who are just barely mobile (complete immobility is a turnoff).

But the "ideal" weight fluctuates slowly but regularly, between just barely big enough so that she can't hide she's overweight with clothing, posture or sucking the belly in, and the biggest weight she can still take care of herself with even if only with great difficulties.

Oh yeah, but often with causes.

So at first it was chubby then I dated a girl in my late teens who was definitely for her height at the top end of bbw by the time she stopped gaining, that really pushed my bedroom preferences north north with fantasies of very very big partners (500+lbs).

But then after a sort of date with a friend of my sister's who was cclearly above 450lbs, I realised there are upper bounds. She was great but I couldn t imagine being comfortable with a lot bigger.

Since our 2 hookups, my preferences moved down to having a top of around 450.

Not that my head hasn't turned online for seriously plus sized models like boberry. Just IRL it's definitely a 250-450 range vs my youth where it was 180-250 and 20s to early 30s being no upper bound/the bigger the better.
4 years