Fat experiences

After-quarantine weight gain

So, as you'll guess by my profile name I am a personal trainer. Now, in my country gyms have been closed since the 13th of March and they will reopen next Monday (if the government allows us).

You can't imagine the great amount of people who have contacted me because they have gained A LOT of weight. Like, one guy who is in my kickboxing class who came for a training session in the park and he looked huge (he did have a slight six pack and some muscle, but now he even had moobs).

So I was wondering, have you seen much change during these days that we've been at home, not being able to go out?
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I managed to gain 25lbs during the lockdown here lol 😆
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I've put on about 35 pounds since quarantine started...... Nothing could have been more of a dream come true than an excuse to stay inside and overeat and be lazy in the name of public health
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

At *least* 15lbs on me is a direct result of sitting on the couch and eating all day. My work has no plans on bringing us back, so I guess I'll have to keep at it and see what I'm working with by the time this is all over

Same here, except I gained about lbs40. I am now officially fat!
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

Same here, except I gained about lbs40. I am now officially fat![/quote]

4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I’ve put on about 10, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s quite momentous for me :-) I had plateau’d at 185 or so. So, hitting 195 is big! Wife is expecting in August and holding steady at 300. Trying to keep pace (sort of) with her belly, which was big to begin with :-)
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

So, as you'll guess by my profile name I am a personal trainer. Now, in my country gyms have been closed since the 13th of March and they will reopen next Monday (if the government allows us).

You can't imagine the great amount of people who have contacted me because they have gained A LOT of weight. Like, one guy who is in my kickboxing class who came for a training session in the park and he looked huge (he did have a slight six pack and some muscle, but now he even had moobs).

So I was wondering, have you seen much change during these days that we've been at home, not being able to go out?

I put on during lockdown, then I started to realise I was putting on, things didn’t fit right but I couldn’t tell why or where I’d gained.
And that was it, after being a feeder it seemed that the tables had turned.
I have a belly now, my bras feel like they have a purpose and I notice wobbles in my arms and legs, almost like they’re waving hello.
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I've put on about 35 pounds since quarantine started...... Nothing could have been more of a dream come true than an excuse to stay inside and overeat and be lazy in the name of public health

This is the best holiday ever!
4 years

After-quarantine weight gain

I am certainly feeling more fullness and also my belly has become rounder since March. XL shirts have become snug which had been loose before. Also, I am feeling less energetic than before. Sometimes my feeble arms feel so heavy from doing nothing and even sitting became so tedious that I ended up laying in bed for the most of the day.
4 years