
Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I have noticed my BP is up from the cream/extra fat. Is this a normal result?

I bet it is, and I'd even go further and say it's a result of mixing saturated fats like heavy cream ones and sugars (especially fructose). The combination of these two macronutrients in a caloric surplus is explosive for the body.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

It's been such a long while (long story short, I've lost a lot of weight due to health issues not related to gaining), but I do remember whenever I did heavy cream, I would notice that spike. Sometimes in about a few days, but it'd gotten me from about 10 stone to 12. I've been riding on 10.5 after a lot of work gaining back the weight I lost.

Short answer, it's been key for me.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I've just started a pint of heavy cream before bed every night three days ago. I'm really curious to see what that's going to look like a week or so from now.

A pint of heavy cream has about 1600 calories. After 7 days that is VERY roughly 3.2 pounds’ worth of calories. So if your diet is otherwise balanced, that’s how much you can gain by adding the cream.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I've just started a pint of heavy cream before bed every night three days ago. I'm really curious to see what that's going to look like a week or so from now.

A pint of heavy cream has about 1600 calories. After 7 days that is VERY roughly 3.2 pounds’ worth of calories. So if your diet is otherwise balanced, that’s how much you can gain by adding the cream.

Wouldn't it be closer to 2.5 lbs?

Whether you can keep that up for 7 days in a row is another matter, though. I'm not judging anyone who can't, but I think most can't.

That estimate also seems posited on 3,500 excess calories being an extra pound. Whereas, a kilogram is 9,000 calories and thus, a pound would be 4,082.

Of course, you (or others) may say it's not that simple, and you would be right. Water retention, for one thing. But the human body also isn't going to be completely efficient. I think getting 80% of that would be very impressive.

Fat in general, though filling, is however very efficient in that regard. But this filling effect might prevent or discourage snacking that otherwise may have happened.

But after a certain point, if you go past your current capacity, some of it is discarded. A little TMI perhaps, but I think this may even change the color of your *ahem*... waste if you go overboard enough. It's why you can't drink oil (not that it would be very tasty!).

On the other hand, it seems that one's capacity likely increases, the heavier you get. I couldn't keep that up for a week, but some have said or claimed 10 days or even two weeks in a row.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I've just started a pint of heavy cream before bed every night three days ago. I'm really curious to see what that's going to look like a week or so from now.

A pint of heavy cream has about 1600 calories. After 7 days that is VERY roughly 3.2 pounds’ worth of calories. So if your diet is otherwise balanced, that’s how much you can gain by adding the cream.

Wouldn't it be closer to 2.5 lbs?

Whether you can keep that up for 7 days in a row is another matter, though. I'm not judging anyone who can't, but I think most can't.

That estimate also seems posited on 3,500 excess calories being an extra pound. Whereas, a kilogram is 9,000 calories and thus, a pound would be 4,082.

Of course, you (or others) may say it's not that simple, and you would be right. Water retention, for one thing. But the human body also isn't going to be completely efficient. I think getting 80% of that would be very impressive.

Fat in general, though filling, is however very efficient in that regard. But this filling effect might prevent or discourage snacking that otherwise may have happened.

But after a certain point, if you go past your current capacity, some of it is discarded. A little TMI perhaps, but I think this may even change the color of your *ahem*... waste if you go overboard enough. It's why you can't drink oil (not that it would be very tasty!).

On the other hand, it seems that one's capacity likely increases, the heavier you get. I couldn't keep that up for a week, but some have said or claimed 10 days or even two weeks in a row.

I must say I have tried this sort of regime and found that a pint of cream just before bed would give me awful heartburn in the night. I can manage a pint a day, spread out, although there are some side effects (TMI). Incidentally, Double cream (which is the UK equivalent of heavy cream) is 2800 calories for 600ml (1.27 US pints).
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

Yeah my feeder is putting me on a quart of cream per day along with my 4000 calorie diet so I have a feeling I’m going to balloon like a blueberry

I am thinking water balloon!
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.


I gained 5 pounds last month!

I have a super hard time gaining weight and I went on the HC diet as I noted a month ago. After no results for 2 weeks I gave up. Weighed myself this morning after noticing my jeans were feeling tighter and my stomach seemed to protrude a bit more and who knew? 5 pounds.

HC is lovely~ Since it actually worked I'm gonna go for it for the whole month and see if I can't plump up another 10-20 pounds before the year's out!
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

Going to try the HC in increasing amounts per week. Trying half a pint per night for a week just as to not affect normal eating then a pint per night for the next and then hopefully a quart throughout the day for a week after for almost three weeks of creamy goodness but will then take a break and decide if I want to continue don't want the delay gain to be too crazy or maybe I do... Idk haha
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I just read this whole thread and now I'm trying heavy cream mixed with half and half and a splash of coffee creamer. I weigh 137 at the moment, lets see where we end up.
4 years

Heavy cream results: anyone who is on heavy cream.

I just read this whole thread and now I'm trying heavy cream mixed with half and half and a splash of coffee creamer. I weigh 137 at the moment, lets see where we end up.

Please be sure to update us on your progress. I have every confidence in heavy cream. It's magic!
4 years
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