Fat experiences

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

It feels like a long time since I started gaining, back when I was around 140lbs. I'd always set myself little physical targets to work towards, things that really mark the difference from where I started. But even after almost 100lbs difference, I still never feel like there's enough of a difference from where I started off. Every time I reach what seemed like a major goal before, it doesn't feel nearly as fat as I thought it would.
Have any of you reached a tipping point where you were suddenly very aware of how much you'd gained? What kind of experiences have you had?
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

It seems it will never be enough. At least that's what I hear.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

It seems it will never be enough. At least that's what I hear.

This is what I'm scared of. I planned to stop gaining when I started to feel chubby, but my I feel no different from 30 pounds ago.

If it weren't for old photos or old clothes, I wouldn't even be aware of my gain.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I only just realized I am fat. I am 250 lbs. 😲😆 What I look like in my photos is such a HUGE erotic surprise it makes my nipples hard immediately. I can't think straight after seeing the photos I post on this group. Also, I'm apparently partly autosexual. Yay for surprise midlife fetishes!!

Many of us can’t concentrate too well either after you post one :-)
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I didn't really get quite how fat I had gotten in just a few months by the time I hit 285lbs. About 100lbs heavier than I was like 9-10 months earlier 😂😅

I'm back down to 240ish after being really sick, but that 300 range is where I think many really hit that tipping point of "woah I'm actually getting big."
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I’m 350 and constantly feel small. I don’t know when I’ll stop feeling small or when the urge to stop will happen. But I don’t really care either I guess. I just noticed for the first time a week ago how heavy my belly was

I have this feeling small sensation too, though I'm at least 320 pounds.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

When I go back and think about it I do. I've never been someone to gain weight intentionally, it's just kind of piled up over the years.

I remember specifically when I hit 187, because that was, mathematically, the weight that pushed me into being "overweight" based on the BMI scale. At the time, that was by far the fattest I had ever been and managed to dial it back a bit for a while. Now I'm hitting the mid-190s and getting back to 187 is a goal of mine. So now I'm at the point where I have to work out and lose weight to get to my former fattest.

Looking back my gain has followed a similar progression, where I'd gain about 10lbs, lose about 5, then gain another 10 etc. but feel okay with the whole time cause I wasn't THAT much fatter from year to year even thought the cumulative effect was more significant.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I’m 350 and constantly feel small. I don’t know when I’ll stop feeling small or when the urge to stop will happen. But I don’t really care either I guess. I just noticed for the first time a week ago how heavy my belly was

I have this feeling small sensation too, though I'm at least 320 pounds.

Then I guess all we can do it get bigger.

I've been in a gaining plateau for quite some time. With the lockdown, I'm pretty sure I started gaining again, but I haven't stepped on a scale. My clothes have definitely gotten a bit tighter, but I haven't outgrown anything... yet.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I'm just starting to accept that I want to fatten up. Should I get bigger?

Go for it this is fun
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

Usually it's when I get a burst of gain to my face (like it rounding out, my double chin being more pronounced) it kinda really sinks in how fat I am growing to be. Which kinda makes me doubt I'll ever hit a point where I'll want to stop honestly.
4 years
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