Fat experiences

Avoiding exercise!

So my friend has a treadmill and keeps telling me to use it and that they're going to set a weekly goal for me. Now my plan is to gain enough that I'm too heavy for it and can use that as an excuse not to! Also, being 'too fat to exercise' sounds kind of fun. Any hints on gaining rapidly?
4 years

Avoiding exercise!

I would just tell anyone straight up I refuse to exercise because I don't care about my weight enough to do it and because its not worth the effort just to not have a belly when self confidence and being totally obese is way better
3 years

Avoiding exercise!

My daily routine of just moving when I have to is enough exercise for me.....lol
3 years

Avoiding exercise!

Before lockdown I would pretty much jog or run everywhere, usually because I’ve forgotten something or I’d be late.
My managers would tell me off all the time for running around, just like when I was a kid.
But now, I just can’t run. My whole front moves with every step, which is lovely, but moves too much when I did try to shift quickly, so I won’t be doing that again.
Built for speed, rebuilt for comfort.
3 years

Avoiding exercise!

The ironic thing is when you get fatter and more out of shape everything becomes exercise. Which leads to you to not want to do anything leading to, of course, you getting heavier and more out of shape. It's a vicious(and delicious)cycle really.
3 years

Avoiding exercise!

If you're looking for ingredients to add for gaining I would suggest heavy cream. It's not super quick but it'll work at your metabolism to slow it down.
3 years