Extreme obesity

Absurd fantasy dream size?

This topic doesn't seem to be a personal ad.

It seems like a toss up between either the Gaining or Extreme Obesity message boards, but it's likely better suited for the latter.

Thus, I'm moving this thread to the Extreme Obesity message board.
4 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I think Keneth Brumley made it to the point of ultimate hedonism & care management practicality

Only thing he could do was his move his arms and wiggle his feet/ toes, and there was no way of him being able to move, turn him self over, or even sit up on his own
4 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Definitely room size for me. I don’t really have a limit on size but any bigger and you lose scope of yourself.
4 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I want rolls big enough so my slave feeder can live in their moist sweaty depths
4 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

In my fantasy I would weigh over 1000+ lbs with a HUGE ball belly and not be immobile
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I think Keneth Brumley made it to the point of ultimate hedonism & care management practicality

Only thing he could do was his move his arms and wiggle his feet/ toes, and there was no way of him being able to move, turn him self over, or even sit up on his own

You’ve got it in one here. The idea of becoming so large that any kind of self care is impossible due to size.

Also Superchubxlboy when he gained up to almost 1000. Becoming a pile of gluttonous flesh
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Having to live in a very deep pool in the backyard, buoyancy helping with bearing the weight. Growing so big I can't move anything, not even fingers and toes. Hubby would have to scuba dive to hook up a bathroom hose and clean me, and enjoy all of my blubber. I'd have a roof with multiple TVs depending on where I floated so I could still watch. Smiling would hide my eyes turning me into a mouth on top of a floating mound of lard. I'd be funnel-fed cow or pig feed, poured in all at once to full capacity whenever I grunt for more. I'd have a constant boner and orgasm as much as humanly possible.

Once a year we'd get a crane to carefully pull me out to weigh me, hoping I'd survive the brunt of the crushing blubber I've become. Eventually I'd feel all four sides of the pool against me, and we both get a little worried about what to do next, but also incredibly excited that I've outgrown a pool as if it was a bathtub.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

In my wildest dreams I want to outgrow a room. Not a huge space but an average room...belly thighs and what have you actually squishing onto the walls!! If only we were built to actually grow to that size!

I feel the same, but I want to have a slightly bigger room for me. I want to have my whole body just squish up against the walls of the room.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

Just a helplessly gigantic blob having to be kept in an abandoned warehouse as it will take longer to grow out of this time.

fuck this sounds like perfection

I agree. I wish this was me.
3 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I would like a guy who's so fat and immobile that you can't tell where he begins and where he ends. Just a sea of fat spread far. You'll have to swim through his blubber to find where his head is to either feed him or give him a nice kiss.
3 years
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