
What gives you motivation?

So, what kind of things motivate you (or increase your motivation) to keep gaining?

I'm obviously motivated by myself, but often I find other things build on that motivation too - talking to people about goals, encouragement, sharing real stories/experiences etc. But everyone has their own favourite thing that drives them with their gaining, whether it's sharing it with someone else or entirely something they enjoy to themselves. Let's talk about them!
4 years

What gives you motivation?

Well, going on FF helps; reading the experiences and whatnot from other gainers/feedees. This is the first time I’ve made an account and actually become active on here, so perhaps being somewhat active (though sharing real and relevant information) is a motivator. Another motivational suggestion is simply looking at pictures of people who’ve achieved/surpassed your current goal. The “OMG I wish my body were huge like them, they are so adorable!” thoughts while admiring others sure is inspiring.

As I’ve finally started intentionally gaining I occasionally find myself doubting it, worrying, and times of uncertainty. A lot of self-talk helps motivate me, reassure myself, remind myself WHY getting fat is wonderful and cheer myself on in general. What I’ve been telling myself follows:

1) Almost all your friends, coworkers, and family have gotten fat these last few years. You’re the odd man out if you lose the 30 lbs you’ve already gained.

2) No one has said anything negative about your gain. You’ve had two compliments! Your loved ones will likely be glad you’ll accept food now and don’t have to deal with your past dietary restrictions.

3) It would be so much easier to gain than lose. Also, you’re getting older so losing will be even harder.

4) Oh... and don’t forget the medication that’s working wonders for your mental health but is known to cause significant weight gain! Good mental health is vital! And did you notice you’re even less anxious when you have tasty food?

5) How you look is nobody’s business but your own. People who judge based on looks are not worth associating with AND the biggest fatphobes are often closet FA/FFAs.

6) Eat anything you want, as much as you want. Who’d pass that up?

7) You’ve wanted to gain for years, ever since you lost the weight previously. Life is so short and you never know when your time will be up; this pandemic has taught you that. Do the things you want to do.

8) Fat is so comfy. At 142 you couldn’t sleep on your stomach because your ribs would hurt and if you slept on your side you needed a pillow between your knees because it was practically bone on bone. Sitting on hard surfaces hurt. Your pelvis bone kept digging into your belt. NOW 30 lbs added and every position is comfy because of the added squish, hard surfaces don’t hurt because of natural cushioning... though now your belt digs into your fat but that’s okay because fat moves and is forgiving. It feels physically more comfy to be fat!

9) As long as your bloodwork comes back good THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH FAT! Fat is soft and cute and squishy. Fat takes years off ones face, making them look younger than they are. All the times you’ve been in relationships you were either obese or overweight (then became obese cause she was an amazing cook and never stopped with the food!) soooo obviously being fat never hindered attracting a significant other. On the contrary, I think it helped. Fat is beautiful.

10) This belly is so heavy and soft. Wouldn’t you be curious as to how it’ll look once you add another 30 pounds? 60 pounds? 90 pounds? You know you’re curious.

That was super long, I know, but that’s my self-talk to keep myself going. Also (though hopefully this isn’t TMI) I’ve been trying edging to avoid that post funtime remorse that many people get after orgasm which usually fades but is unpleasant nevertheless. In addition, I make sure I’m full before I do anything of that nature, so then if I fuck up and fail edging I won’t be tempted to not eat during that remorse post fun period.

Okay I’ll shut up now. 😂
4 years

What gives you motivation?

Sly Glutton:
I think a big part of my motivation is having control over my own destiny. I've wanted to gain weight my whole life, but there's always been some force opposing me. The pressures and expectations of family, authority figures, society in general. Even when I gained some independence, I only had that freedom with a physically demanding job. The first time I gained weight, it was like I was doing it for all the past iterations of myself. The skinny kid chugging milk in secret, unable to even guess that there might be other people like him. The scrawny teenager bewildered at his classmates complaining about getting fat in the off-season. The awkward freshman at university struggling to overeat while roommates packed on the pounds without even trying. I've worked hard enough to finally see the reading on the scale climbing higher and higher. Gaining how I want, when I want, is my reward for all that patience, determination, obsession, and occasional disaster.

I sometimes think of the times people around me have expressed disgust at fatness. I amuse myself at the thought of them pointing out that I've gained weight. As if I haven't noticed. As if I haven't treasured every bit of softness that I've earned. As if I should be worried that I'm somehow losing control of myself, rather than finally having total control over what I am and what I can become. It hasn't really happened to me yet (only family really notice or care, and they're very vague about their concern), but I often like to imagine the look on their faces when, having been told I'm getting fat, I smile patiently, as if they've stated the most obvious thing in the world, and say, “Yes. I know.”

So, I guess my motivation is becoming what I've always known myself to be. There's no escaping destiny! Plus, even if things don't go as planned, I get a few good experiences out of it.

Good for you man! I hope your journey goes well and you end up as big as you want to.
4 years

What gives you motivation?

Seeing YouTube videos of people with my ideal body is really helpful for inspiration, but more than that are the stories I read here about people who are determined to get fat no matter what.
4 years

What gives you motivation?

I get inspired looking at pictures of super obese people that I hope to look like once I become super obese. Being able to visualize and keep in mind my desired end result really helps make me want to keep going and gaining more and more
4 years

What gives you motivation?

I get inspired looking at my wife's two hundred pound plus body. I love to stick out my belly and I wear the smallest briefs I can fit into, just to feel even fatter.
4 years

What gives you motivation?

Looking at photos of SSBBW models motivates me, giving me a goal to work toward. Reading stories and experiences here on FF is also very motivating.

The biggest source of motivation is experiencing my weight gain. Feeling my clothes getting tighter, and seeing the numbers increase on the scale every week are very encouraging.
3 years