Fat experiences

Skinny people who became fat?

Just about 5 years ago, a weight about lbs 145. Not my skinniest, I know. Then I went up to lbs159, lbs 190... now after quarantine I’m almost at lbs 270. My tights are massive, my gut is huge, I have a double chin now and I get out of breath very easily.

Is it bad that I’m totally jealous right now? I just started out, made the decision to stop worrying and starting enjoying, and have been so much happier for it.
Just thinking about those big tights (and big panties to match) is wonderful, a tantalising glimmer into the future, will be an interesting shopping trip.

I had to get new underwear :0) For the past 3 month I was working at home and spent most of my days in a bathrobe. I noticed how fat I had gotten when I could not tie my robe anymore, that's when I climbed on the scale! Luckily my sister is obese and lent me some of her skinny clothes (size 16-18)
Problem is, I will probably be working from home for several more months and I feel the weight gain is taking a toll on me. I have difficulties getting up, it is hard to catch my breath and my skin stretches painfully. However, I cannot stop eating!

fantasy feedee:
Wow, this convo is thrilling. Outgrowing clothes is such a turn-on. Skinny me and fat me went back and forth on this, but fat me won out and I’ve just ordered some XL undies to grow into. Scared and excited at the same time.

I just bought XL shorts up from a M (and they're not falling off), but the undies might have to go... soon. :O Something about your underwear not fitting... I mean some clothes you can adjust and squeeze into or wear loose and they're different styles or sizes... but undies? The truth is told!!! #sohot
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was not skinny (200 pounds), but that was at 6-feet-0 and playing varsity sports. So I was definitely in shape.

Now sitting at about 315 pounds 4 years later.
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

My last GF was about 120lbs when we started dating, used to be a runner.
By the time we broke up 3 years later, she was around 250.
In my experience, if someone hits 200 they are fat for life. But that's just my thought.
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

My last GF was about 120lbs when we started dating, used to be a runner.
By the time we broke up 3 years later, she was around 250.
In my experience, if someone hits 200 they are fat for life. But that's just my thought.

Would that be just for girls? I've met plenty of 200 lb men that I would not consider fat

Very good point yes just for girls and also depends on height and frame,
A lot of men at 200lbs are not even chubby
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

So what is your approximate weight at this time? Your new corpulence looks very nice.
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I graduated high school around 105 and right at five feet tall. . I worked out every day and played two sports, but I constantly fantasized about getting fat. I started gaining slowly and got up to my goal of 160 in college, with huge boobs and a belly that absolutely strained the dress I wore to my five year reunion.

I didn’t actually feel properly fat until I doubled my starting weight, got stretch marks, rolls everywhere, and a double chin. Over the past ten years, my waist has ballooned from 24 inches to 55 last time I measured.

Sometimes I catch myself in the mirror and can’t believe how wide I am or how chubby my face has gotten. I’ll look at clothes I order and think they have to be too big and then put them on to find them snug. Other times I try on something too big and am so disappointed I don’t fill it out.

I don’t know how fat I’ll get— i still only feel chubby, but I’m taking it slow. I’m sure the numbers and sizes will keep crawling up. I can’t wait to find out how much I need to weigh to actually feel fat!

I not only love this post but I also really Identify with all / most of this
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was skinny when 16, but i was very stressed about some family problems and people looking at me and saying that i was sexy, so i decided to gain a lot and never being thin anymore, so, here i am, a gained 300 lbs since i started

Nice :-) How much have you gained overall?
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

At 18 I was 100lbs and 5’5. Now at 23 I’m 150
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

My entire life I was TINY...under 100 pounds throughout high school and around 105 in college (except for one year when I gained about 20 pounds and then lost it.) It’s hard for me to gain but over the few months I’ve been about 120 and recently I’ve decided to actively gain and have gotten even bigger. I’m feeling way softer than I ever have before and my boyfriend is commenting (nicely, in a teasing way) about how fat I look. I’ve never been called fat before and it’s been such a huge turn on going from the cliche “skinny girl” to the one who stuffs herself and always has a round stomach and too tight pants. I’ve ripped two pairs so far....
3 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I've always been short and skinny for a guy. Everything is almost the same except I'm now short and overweight for a guy. Yes, the comments are rolling in. Of course, I will pay attention to my health. I've just had perhaps one soda or cake too many. I'll make what ever changes I deem appropriate.
3 years
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