
Uk meets?

If Ubers are running ok, I'd be down. Haven't been to one since moving north.
3 years

Uk meets?

Lol as soon as i move away a meet is happening.

Sounds good to me
3 years

Uk meets?

I'm moving to the UK in December so if there is a meetup after that I'd love to be involved. It'd be good to make some friends over there.
3 years

Uk meets?

I’ve never been to one but would be totally up for making some friends that understand this.
3 years

Uk meets?

Awesome so it sounds like we have god a bit of interest so lets get it sorted.

I am going to suggest a later date so we can generate more interest and get a larger group together. Also I think it's wise to let things settle with lockdown ending.

Date: Saturday 5th September 2020
Time: Suggestions? I guess it depends if people are travelling far...
Location: Manchester
Activities: Drinks & Socialising. (Don't think it's wise to book anything for a meal as people may flake and not turn up so lets keep it casual)
3 years

Uk meets?

Awesome so it sounds like we have god a bit of interest so lets get it sorted.

I am going to suggest a later date so we can generate more interest and get a larger group together. Also I think it's wise to let things settle with lockdown ending.I think it's going to be tricky due to the need to book etc now and not just turn up + uncertainty as to whether things are going to carry on as they are or more local lockdown etc. Up for it in theory though. A lot, including me, are wary about committing far in advance, due to health conditions, ethnicity etc

Date: Saturday 5th September 2020
Time: Suggestions? I guess it depends if people are travelling far...
Location: Manchester
Activities: Drinks & Socialising. (Don't think it's wise to book anything for a meal as people may flake and not turn up so lets keep it casual)
3 years

Uk meets?

The bit above is me commenting and not Cookie lol I've hated how I can never remember how to quote on a comment on this site for years! lol
3 years

Uk meets?

Awesome so it sounds like we have god a bit of interest so lets get it sorted.

I am going to suggest a later date so we can generate more interest and get a larger group together. Also I think it's wise to let things settle with lockdown ending.

Date: Saturday 5th September 2020
Time: Suggestions? I guess it depends if people are travelling far...
Location: Manchester
Activities: Drinks & Socialising. (Don't think it's wise to book anything for a meal as people may flake and not turn up so lets keep it casual)

I'd be up for joining if OK? X

Of course! Everyone and anyone is welcome! I will be in touch with everyone who posted on the thread just to make sure they know the details.

If you want to bring anyone else along as well that's cool! Spread the word! smiley
3 years

Uk meets?

Sounds a good idea smiley
3 years

Uk meets?

Hi so not had the best response from people when I messaged directly. Either no response or unable to make it.

I have been asked for numbers and who is going to be attending. So far the people that are still interested are as follows:

*c00kie (Me) smiley
*FatAsButter (new on thread did not message)

Nobody as of yet has 100% confirmed but the above list are those who haven't said a flat out no.

I was thinking we could check this new social distancing place out. Super close to Piccadilly train station too! However we do need to book... So I need to know numbers of bodies!
3 years
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