Lifestyle tips

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

IMO, don’t say you want her bigger—that’s a lot of pressure. Just her you think weight gain is hot—leave it for her to opt into or not. (Now, how to bring it up..... doing it this far into a relationship is something I don’t have many ideas on, since I usually bring it up early on, in the first or second “so what are you into” conversation)
4 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

It sounds like she has done a pretty good job getting to 270 lbs. I would say she must like food already just treat her to nice fattening dinners out but extra appetizers, but extra treats at the house and leave out for easy snacking and what someone else said don’t rush the sounds of it doing things like this she will be 350 lbs. in a year or two.
4 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

Five to herself isn't a bad start at all before bed. Constantly have her eating larger more calorie laden meals and always buy treats for her afterward...cheesecake, bundt cakes as much fattening decadent desserts until she comments on all the extra guttering stuff then tone it down a bit but still buy it to be around .....she will end up eating it even if you aren't around at the time. Pretty soon her appetite will expand even more and before you know it she will be so ravenous she will complain if you aren't getting her massively fattening deserts and extra fattening meals. 350 Lbs. in no time I say!
4 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

Five to herself isn't a bad start at all before bed. Constantly have her eating larger more calorie laden meals and always buy treats for her afterward...cheesecake, bundt cakes as much fattening decadent desserts until she comments on all the extra guttering stuff then tone it down a bit but still buy it to be around .....she will end up eating it even if you aren't around at the time. Pretty soon her appetite will expand even more and before you know it she will be so ravenous she will complain if you aren't getting her massively fattening deserts and extra fattening meals. 350 Lbs. in no time I say!
4 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

Had a lot going on lately but I finally told me wife about wanting her to get much bigger and believe it or not she was ok with it! Our first goal is 300!!! Also she has lost about twenty pounds due to stress and not eating but her appetite is back now

That's great to hear! You should talk to her about gainer shakes with heavy cream to see the pounds pile on quicker. Plus I've noticed with women who drink it they usually balloon up much faster. Keep us updated!
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

This all sounds sooooo delightful! smiley
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

So my wife has been looking into gaining ever since I told her about it and she is all about it! She told me last night that she wants me to feed her tonight and every night so she can become a goddess!

You are a lucky man. A dream come true for all of us FA's on this site. Looking forward to hearing about your wife growing ever bigger.
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

Wanted to give a little update! My wife is up 8 pounds in five days with an absolutely massive appetite and she drinks a gainer shake in the morning and one at night before bed. She is having a boudoir shoot done in the middle of August so hopefully she will continue with this rapid weight gain before she has her pictures

You are living the dream! Thanks for keeping us updated.
3 years

Wanting my wife to go from bbw to ssbbw

I hope that is not the only reason for quitting her job. The desire to gain and going to work should not be related unless she is on her feet all day and needs to be physically fit.
3 years