
Any other male feedees?

i feel like there is a lot of us, but there isn’t a lot of female feeders to balance things out. some of us are bi which is cool but has anyone else had a hard time trying to find a straight relationship preferring the feedee role as a man? or is it just me?
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I'm in this boat
4 years

Any other male feedees?

It's hard to find any relationship here, I think. It's a fantasy site, most people seem to prefer to keep it that way.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

i feel like there is a lot of us, but there isn’t a lot of female feeders to balance things out. some of us are bi which is cool but has anyone else had a hard time trying to find a straight relationship preferring the feedee role as a man? or is it just me?

I am a female Feeder who has had a relationship with a male feedee/gainer met on this site in the past, and regularly offers encouragement (out in the open in chat). I am also friends with several male feedees/gainers who have found the same. So ... yes it is possible to find a good/real one, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy or that one will fall into your lap. Hang in there, keep looking, and remember it is not necessarily the number of real female Feeders available that is important, it is the quality of the ones that are. They do exist, and I hope you find yours 😊
4 years

Any other male feedees?

i feel like there is a lot of us, but there isn’t a lot of female feeders to balance things out. some of us are bi which is cool but has anyone else had a hard time trying to find a straight relationship preferring the feedee role as a man? or is it just me?

I am a female Feeder who has had a relationship with a male feedee/gainer met on this site in the past, and regularly offers encouragement (out in the open in chat). I am also friends with several male feedees/gainers who have found the same. So ... yes it is possible to find a good/real one, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy or that one will fall into your lap. Hang in there, keep looking, and remember it is not necessarily the number of real female Feeders available that is important, it is the quality of the ones that are. They do exist, and I hope you find yours 😊
perfect i’m glad to get a response like this one! i’m not giving up. i’m a little unmotivated because it’s been a good amount of time i’ve been on this site but i’m not going to leave.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I am a male feedee in search of a feeder
4 years

Any other male feedees?

Some constructive advice for male feedees, for everyone really, when it comes to meeting people online ...

If you are looking for something very specific ... i.e. a relationship, role play, a regular feeder, or just one-time feedings ... then you need to put that very clearly on your profile. Put both what you are looking for and what you aren't. If it is in person or online only ... say so.

Beyond that, use the shouts and the personal ads section of the forum to let people know you are looking ... and again, be very clear about what you are looking for and what you are not.

People aren't just going to fall into your lap and they aren't mind readers, you need to put yourself out there and in a way that attracts what you are looking for otherwise you will get overlooked. P.S. I'm saying this as a female feeder, so ... lol

Put the effort in, show potential feeders or whoever that you are serious and looking for something real, then be patient.

In the meantime, use the search option under profiles, check the user tab in chat, or look at the personal ads for the role you want, then browse the profiles that interest you and reach out to those who have taken the time to do all of the above things on their profile

Doing all of these things will help you connect with people that are interested in you for the right reasons and keep both you and the people that reach out to you from wasting time. It's not going to be a 100% of the time thing, but it's better than 0%, right?
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I am a hetero female feeder. I have pretty much given up because guys don't treat me with respect. My life used to revolve around trying to find a feedee husband. After being treated like garbage for years, my life revolves around exercise smiley
4 years

Any other male feedees?

If I had my choice between someone who is into feedism but I have little to nothing in common with or someone who I share other non-feedist mutual interests and with whom I’ve a real genuine connection but isn’t into feedism... well obviously I’d choose the latter (as long as they don’t mind my weight/appetite!) Sharing a kink is pretty low on my list of what I’d hope for in a partner.

I’m sure there are plenty of FFAs out there, but because many men can be pretty fuckin’ toxic online even outside this community I’d guess less women are active/non-lurkers here on FF. Some guys behave as though women owe them something and like to blame their incel status on women when it’s them that’s the problem. At least that’s been my observation.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I'm male feedee/gainer. I have always wanted to find fa girlfriend or female feeder girlfriend.
4 years
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