
What is this feeling?

What is this feeling? It's like being horny, but instead of wanting sex, I want to gorge until I burst my clothes -- I long for an enormous belly that goes past my knees, breasts the size of my head, and an inflated butt. Then sometime later, I don't have this feeling.
4 years

What is this feeling?

What is this feeling? It's like being horny, but instead of wanting sex, I want to gorge until I burst my clothes -- I long for an enormous belly that goes past my knees, breasts the size of my head, and an inflated butt. Then sometime later, I don't have this feeling.

Lust, perhaps? It’s likely tied to arousal, in a fashion, despite not being aroused in the traditional ‘wanting sex’ way. I think I know what you mean, but can’t quite describe it either.
The “sometimes here sometimes not” nature of it could be caused by hormone fluctuations (regardless of sex all bodies experience ups and downs regarding hormones.)
4 years