
Dangerous rate of gain

I’m also interested in this so hoping someone has some input 😅
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I reckon 20-25 lbs per month is absolute tops. Anything above that is just crazy.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

It is possible to gain about 5 pounds a week. So 20 a month is possible and safe. And fast.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I reckon 20-25 lbs per month is absolute tops. Anything above that is just crazy.

Golly. Is it even possible to gain more than that in a single month?
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I imagine it’s not just the rate, but how long you keep it up. I gained about 25 lbs in 3 months. All health and metabolic indicators say I’m fine.

Now, gain 100lbs in a year, which several gainers have done, and that seems more extreme. I’ve seen several develop health problems shortly after such a gain.

Same rate, though.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

Just on a quick Google, most sources say up to 2 lbs is healthy, my own experience has been that 5 lbs is the most I can gain in a week and I can’t say I have had any indication of any problems aside from walking a bit slower, but that could equally be put down to months of inactivity due to lockdown.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

People that make claims on weight gain and what is possible generally aren't fat or a gainer.
They have a fantasy about it and thats about it.
I suppose anything is possible in extreme cases.
I never gained the same amount from month to month when I was an active gainer
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I’m definitely on the smaller side round here but also I worked really hard at it.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

You will have times when you gain steadily and then times you don't gain much at all.
Sometimes I would gain like crazy only to lose 1/2 of what I gained.
Maybe that is just me and how my body reacted.
I quit actively gaining several years ago but since the covid quarantine I have gained 20 lbs because I compulsively snack a lot.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I hope the meds help you gain.
4 years
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