Story authors

Writing withdrawal

Just spent every day for the last two weeks writing a story here and now I feel lost.

The story as planned came to its end where it was supposed to,, and anything added would feel superfluous and gratuitous.

And yet I miss both the writing and the characters. I am laying down the plot structure for a new story, but my heart still seems to be in the one I just finished.

Do you ever have carryover lag like this? What do you do if you do?
3 years

Writing withdrawal

You didn't say which story, so I haven't read it and don't know how it ends. Is there a possible sequel? Can you further explore those characters in other aspects of their lives? (Work, social, future endeavors, etc?) Other scenarios you can put them in? Do they do any travelling (I always find discovering new foods exciting)?
Another option: Start creating new characters. Just start sketching them out and what they're going to do will come as you get to know them.
3 years

Writing withdrawal

You didn't say which story, so I haven't read it and don't know how it ends. Is there a possible sequel? Can you further explore those characters in other aspects of their lives? (Work, social, future endeavors, etc?) Other scenarios you can put them in? Do they do any travelling (I always find discovering new foods exciting)?
Another option: Start creating new characters. Just start sketching them out and what they're going to do will come as you get to know them.

The story is Law of Abundance if you'd like to read it.

There are some possibilities for sequels or spin offs, but I truly feel (at least now) it ends right where it's supposed to, so the writer in me is resistant to adding to it.

I think making new characters is ultimately my way out of my malaise. But I think I probably need to take a little time away from writing (just a day or two) to recharge my batteries, rather than trying to force it.

Thank you for replying.
3 years