
Any other male feedees?

I am a hetero female feeder. I have pretty much given up because guys don't treat me with respect. My life used to revolve around trying to find a feedee husband. After being treated like garbage for years, my life revolves around exercise smiley
Treated like garbage? care to explain? i find it very hard to believe anyone in the right mind could screw up being in a position as good as that!
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I’m not even sure what I’m looking for. Whenever I get contacted by girls and talk to them, they eventually stop talking to me. Makes me feel I’m doing something wrong. I’m not really good at flirting / talking to gals.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I’m not even sure what I’m looking for. Whenever I get contacted by girls and talk to them, they eventually stop talking to me. Makes me feel I’m doing something wrong. I’m not really good at flirting / talking to gals.

Wow, you mean women online actually talk to you? That's an accomplishment.

Yeah. I just don’t know how to keep a conversation going with them. They mostly ask about my belly and for pics though lol.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

Male feedee here, lookin for a female feeder
4 years

Any other male feedees?

Some constructive advice for male feedees, for everyone really, when it comes to meeting people online ...

If you are looking for something very specific ... i.e. a relationship, role play, a regular feeder, or just one-time feedings ... then you need to put that very clearly on your profile. Put both what you are looking for and what you aren't. If it is in person or online only ... say so.

Beyond that, use the shouts and the personal ads section of the forum to let people know you are looking ... and again, be very clear about what you are looking for and what you are not.

People aren't just going to fall into your lap and they aren't mind readers, you need to put yourself out there and in a way that attracts what you are looking for otherwise you will get overlooked. P.S. I'm saying this as a female feeder, so ... lol

Put the effort in, show potential feeders or whoever that you are serious and looking for something real, then be patient.

In the meantime, use the search option under profiles, check the user tab in chat, or look at the personal ads for the role you want, then browse the profiles that interest you and reach out to those who have taken the time to do all of the above things on their profile

Doing all of these things will help you connect with people that are interested in you for the right reasons and keep both you and the people that reach out to you from wasting time. It's not going to be a 100% of the time thing, but it's better than 0%, right?
I concur with this and also one can develop intermediate level social skills on how to continue conversations online. But the biggest mindset that most feedees like myself have to grasp is what if we don't find that female feeder like we dream and how do I want my life to be ? Feederism in our thing society today to most is a fringe lifestyle in which most people don't know exist or will lose social credit if they live this lifestyle. We have to get used to being our own feeder and being our own actualization and embodiment of fat.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

It's hard to find any relationship here, I think. It's a fantasy site, most people seem to prefer to keep it that way.

You aint kidding. A lot of people refuse to post face pics and personal information. On one hand I get it, but on the other hand I feel like I'm being used like a toy when I get to know someone but they delete their account out of nowhere.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

I’m not even sure what I’m looking for. Whenever I get contacted by girls and talk to them, they eventually stop talking to me. Makes me feel I’m doing something wrong. I’m not really good at flirting / talking to gals.

Trust me, you are not alone. I have the very same problem, I either get ignored outright or the conversation stops after a few lines.
It is a very sad and sucky situation in the feeding world.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

Some constructive advice for male feedees, for everyone really, when it comes to meeting people online ...

If you are looking for something very specific ... i.e. a relationship, role play, a regular feeder, or just one-time feedings ... then you need to put that very clearly on your profile. Put both what you are looking for and what you aren't. If it is in person or online only ... say so.

Beyond that, use the shouts and the personal ads section of the forum to let people know you are looking ... and again, be very clear about what you are looking for and what you are not.

People aren't just going to fall into your lap and they aren't mind readers, you need to put yourself out there and in a way that attracts what you are looking for otherwise you will get overlooked. P.S. I'm saying this as a female feeder, so ... lol

Put the effort in, show potential feeders or whoever that you are serious and looking for something real, then be patient.

In the meantime, use the search option under profiles, check the user tab in chat, or look at the personal ads for the role you want, then browse the profiles that interest you and reach out to those who have taken the time to do all of the above things on their profile

Doing all of these things will help you connect with people that are interested in you for the right reasons and keep both you and the people that reach out to you from wasting time. It's not going to be a 100% of the time thing, but it's better than 0%, right?

Sounds advice, soundly taken. I should add a lot more though.

I have given up trying to find a female feeder, I know they theoretically exist (seem to) but just not for me. You either have to be super interesting (and selling yourself really well online), really handsome (Brad Pitt), rich or famous, otherwise you can forget it.
Feabie, Fantasy Feeder, and all the others have been for me the biggest frustration in my life.
Female feeders now feel to me like royalty, they can pick and chose who they want, they can ignore anyone they don't feel like talking to, they got 200+ mails waiting, probably overwhelmed. I guess for every 1 female feeder, there are 400 male feedees. Many female feeders are super pick and many of them hide, they might not even want to admit that they are feeders.

While at the same time, my inbox stays empty, I'm respectful, patient, nice and never let my frustration show. I know after years of searching that I can't be a feedee, not with a real life woman that includes real life meetings and feedings, I now live in a desperate and hopeless fantasy world that will never come true, ever.

I'm super passionate about feeding, I have been for many many years. I know this is my lifes mission, to change this horrible pathetic state of undevelopment of the feeding world in general. I have been on radio interviews, TV interviews and have written tons of stories about feeding, probably among the most extreme and direct sexual ones that you can ever find, I have a skill for feeding, the fantasies I get for stories now drive me crazy, because I can no longer write them, knowing that they will get ignored by everybody. I feel I have something to say, feel I have a mission to change this sad state of affairs where everybody is hiding in the fridge, feeders and feedees, but I have no voice, nobody listens, no power, no influence, nothing.
It is like I need to go places and am paralyzed, tied down and can't move.

I just have to quit, because otherwise I will go insane with frustration.
I'm a very social person and stuck on an island alone and don't know what to do, after I have tried everything. Maybe imagine that are people here that are real? Live permanently in some illusion where things are ok, where there are women that want me to gain and actually make me grow? I guess that is it.

My life is otherwise OK, but in the feeding realm, I sometimes thing that if somebody gave me this mission, they are cruel and nasty and they are laughing about my misfortune and me not having a chance, yet dreaming and hoping, knowing that there is no hope for me.
I will never meet a real life woman that is into feedism. It is also crazy, I can meet any woman in real life eand have a great conversation, I'm great with people, but of course they are never into feedism and neither do I have a way to ever find out, while on the other side, I can never ever convert a online conversation with a woman into a real life meeting.
I'm very good with computers and technology, I witnessed the creation of the web and remember the time before, but everything I write on a profile on any website that is feedism related must be 100% wrong, because I see a pattern, where women look at my profile and then I never hear from them again, it is crazy. The impression I give on my online profiles is completely the opposite of what I am as a real human being. I started cutt
4 years

Any other male feedees?

It's hard to find any relationship here, I think. It's a fantasy site, most people seem to prefer to keep it that way.

Baba Yaga:
You aint kidding. A lot of people refuse to post face pics and personal information. On one hand I get it, but on the other hand I feel like I'm being used like a toy when I get to know someone but they delete their account out of nowhere.
Truth is, folks will message you pretending like they want to talk but they really want to get off while talking about fat to you. I used to genuinely want to talk to get to know folks but I just read the forum posts because too many folks in the chat both male and female just want to masturbate to your fat chat about how your belly hangs below your belt.
4 years

Any other male feedees?

Truth is, folks will message you pretending like they want to talk but they really want to get off while talking about fat to you. I used to genuinely want to talk to get to know folks but I just read the forum posts because too many folks in the chat both male and female just want to masturbate to your fat chat about how your belly hangs below your belt.

I'd assume that most of the time you're correct, but if you are able to find the occasional person who really is interesting and nice to talk to, I'd say it's worth it smiley
It is a numbers game but deduce whom to deal with via their tonality.
4 years
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