
Fat shaming against people online. and what to do about it.

They should stop being concern trolls and let fat people live their lives.
3 years

Fat shaming against people online. and what to do about it.

you tried ignoring it?
3 years

Fat shaming against people online. and what to do about it.

Truth is, people have an ego issue. We care way too much what those whom we don't know think and they are entitled to think as they do but being triggered by someone's views of our fatness is a personal issue and meditation helped me with mine because it wipes away all the external clutter. Pay these fools no mind and eat yourself into oblivion if that is what you desire.
3 years

Fat shaming against people online. and what to do about it.

What impresses me about people who hate fat people is their arrogance.

Not everyone has to adore people with hanging folds of blubber, who bounce with every little movement. I totally get that some people want to romance someone lithe and taut, or be an athlete themselves.

I was looking around for more testimonials of people who settled into a happy feeding relationship, and a lot of the hits are negative. I mean, of course. A lot of the "tragic" stories turn me on- isn't it a shame your soulmate turned into a big fat blob? Yum yum.

But the arrogance is profound. There's this huge undercurrent of "I work so hard, I look so good, my sex is perfect, and my SO is so unworthy of it all, they don't even maintain themselves to my standard, I'm disgusted! How could I ever respect someone who doesn't work as hard on their body as MOI?"

Like, Christ on a chicken sandwich, GET OVER YOURSELF!

People use the shorthand language of "taking care of yourself" to rationalize their own demented cruelty, flipping their bigotry into a kind of altruism.

What can we do about it?

It's tough, because it's easy to just talk shit online, but meaningful positive interactions take place on such a smaller scale. Person to person, letting fat people who want to slim down feel that it's not "their fault", that they haven't "failed" or are morally compromised.

And the best part, letting fat people who are a little extra hungry know that the world would be a better place if they took up more of its space...

This is why we need fat feminism and the fat acceptance community!
3 years