Fat experiences

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

For a second I thought I had written this post!

As a young boy I wanted to be fat. Whilst I didn't actively do anything to gain weight, I did start to grow fatter at about 12. I had started to grow a pair of moobs, and of course got bullied at school for them, being told I was changing into a girl!
Mum took me to the doctor, who basically told me to eat less. For years I did, until 15 years ago I decided to start gaining.

Fast forward to today, and I'm twice the weight I was. I feel more confident, but I still suck it in and don't over eat at work. At home I'm parading around in front of the mirror very proud of my gain (and also thinking I'm not even half way to my ideal weight!).
At work I have the occasional jab about my weight, and the lunchtime topic is often about fitness and losing weight. I never join in these discussions, and if anyone ever asks about my weight, I am almost ready to say that I'm happy with my weight but I want to get fitter. And this is true. I want to gain some muscles so that I can be ready to gain more weight and still be able to do my physical job.
I don't know how or if this can help you, but I agree that being fatter is making me more positive as a person, and that is slowly coming over at work. Good luck, and keep on gaining weight and confidence!
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

Okay, either own it or lose weight. You are going to have people point fingers and judge no matter what so you might as well be happy with your decision. You should be able to shake off any criticism at the end of the day if the positives outweighed the negatives. Not to sound condescending but if you’re so self conscious of your gain otherwise to the point where you’re asking us what to do then maybe this lifestyle isn’t for you. It is never too late to turn back if that is what has you worried.
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

Okay, either own it or lose weight. You are going to have people point fingers and judge no matter what so you might as well be happy with your decision. You should be able to shake off any criticism at the end of the day if the positives outweighed the negatives. Not to sound condescending but if you’re so self conscious of your gain otherwise to the point where you’re asking us what to do then maybe this lifestyle isn’t for you. It is never too late to turn back if that is what has you worried.

See, I don't understand responses like this. I approach the topic with hopeful uncertainty, genuinely curious about others' experiences with the intent of gaining (heh) insight into my own life, only to be shot down with "maybe this isn't for you". If you read my post thoroughly, you can see I've happily embraced the lifestyle on a personal level, but am struggling with it on a social level.

Eh. :/

No, I’ve read your post. Like said, if you are this concerned with what others think about you, then maybe this lifestyle isn’t for you. You are free to take my advice with a grain of salt but the criticism will only get worse with every pound you gain so you might as well be secure enough with it that you’re not going to too concerned about what others think. You activitily comparing yourself to others does sound like you’re also having second thoughts. Trust me, if you’re not completely on board with this, it will fuck up your mental health so you might as well stop and do so when you’re ready.
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

If you’re worried about what others will think, remember you might already be silently judged in public for existing traits other than fat! I’m sure people judge me for my tattoos or hairstyle or manner of dress or whatever else they don’t like. Fuck ‘em. Now I’m just adding “fat” to the list strangers can judge me on. Still difficult at times, being self conscious, but EVERYONE has traits that one can judge people on; even the most “glamorous” normie people can be judged as shallow and vain and assumed to be idiots because they’re “good looking” by vanilla standards.

You’re going to have days where you’re going to love your body and your gains, and days that you’ll feel down about yourself (even without negative comments!) That’s when you really need to remind yourself why you’re gaining, why it’s okay, why the fuck not? Maybe even write out a list of affirmations to go to when you’re feeling down about it that you can turn to as needed. I started getting down when my clothes got too tight so I treated myself to some really nice (and affordable) new clothes and I feel much more confident.

The only opinion that matters is yours. Not your family, not your friends, not your SO or work colleagues or the dude at 7-11 or anyone else. Do things for YOU, you need not please everyone and honestly trying to please everyone is bad for your mental well-being. Life is too short to put your desires on the back burner because you fear hypothetical judgement.

And finally... I know I’m long winded... but if someone says “you’re fat” well... isn’t that the point?! Good luck!!!
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

I never thought that I was a little self conscious about being fat. Then I got my first digital camera. And I took a few good pictures of my big Fat belly. And saw it from other people's view. I then realized that how I felt about being fat was all that really matters.
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

Ky Belly Boy:
I never thought that I was a little self conscious about being fat. Then I got my first digital camera. And I took a few good pictures of my big Fat belly. And saw it from other people's view. I then realized that how I felt about being fat was all that really matters.

Great post...

I am still shocked how fat I look when pictures are taken of me. I usually just joke about my pregnant with twins size belly. But I'm still trying to get use to being a fat person. I keep telling myself this is the thin me now and when I put on 95 more lbs that will be the obese me. It helps sometimes.
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

Still working on that myself, I don't really much care about strangers or passerby, look around and I'm usually comparable in size or smaller than some. Day to day hardly ever phases me, occasional comments from co-workers, I've been there over 10 years and some knew me at around 180 and have seen my gain up to 260 since. Over 40 odd pounds the past couple years.

It is more so family and friends. It always hits me when digging through presentable outfits, like damn, I look huge. Case in point, I attended an outdoor wedding reception this afternoon, thankfully casual dress. Got tipsy enough to hit the dance floor a few times - I can't dance - and was less self conscious than usual.

Just got home and wonder what they are thinking, did anyone comment behind my back, notice I am as big as my mom now? I was able to cover up under an ugly Xmas sweater last time most these people saw me. Was 235+ last summer, a few haven't seen me in a couple years when I was under 220...

In the past it bothered me more, but again I look around, my cousins rocking a new dad bod, another's been married a few years and they've clearly put on a few... My gain has probably been the most significant and for today at least I am okay with that. However at the same time I am a tiny bit relieved I haven't reached my goal of 280 just yet.

One thing is certian, I have no desire to lose weight or change my upward trajectory, 280 and eventually 300 will defiantly give them something to talk about if tonight didn't raise a few eyebrows.
4 years

How do you become comfortable with being fat?

In your mind you tend to always think about what you "used to be". After a couple job changes, I think it finally clicked with my wife that nobody knows her as a thin girl. All of our neighbors and all of her coworkers only know her as a bigger girl and love her all the same. No need to be clinging on to this old image that only exists in your mind.

It's all mental. And then the older you get, you always know someone way larger than you.
4 years