
I miss buffets

I'm dying for them to open. I bought a discount card for one in January and only used it twice. At least there's only one I have to drive past and be sad about it. Vegas must be hell, they're everywhere lol
3 years

I miss buffets

The past few years I didn’t go to buffets because my appetite and stomach capacity was so small it would be a waste of money, since I was smaller on purpose back then. Now that I’m gaining (and hungry all the time due to my meds) I really really really cannot wait for the sushi buffets to reopen next year. Not going to kid myself into thinking it’ll be open this year or that it’ll be safe. DoorDashing sushi will have to suffice for now. 😢

Luckily almost all my friends have gained weight too this year so when the former skinniest friend suggests tearing it up at the buffet it’s unlikely any will pretend they don’t want to!
3 years

I miss buffets

I have some hongkonger friends who bought and kitted out their first Chinese buffet in January this year and they are terrified by the idea that it may be impossible for the business type to every come back in the same way.

My wife had just gotten in to them too and it really helped her when actively gaining.

Here's hoping for a return to the glory days
3 years

I miss buffets

Don't worry, the buffets are coming back. either we will reach herd immunity naturally or with the help of vaccine(s). When that happens everything will go back to "normal".

There is so much nonsense out there right now though. I saw that Dr. Birx lamented that she wishes we had "locked down sooner like Italy did" Even as Italy is having a second wave. I saw another article saying that T-Cell immunity from other Corona virus' may be supplementing immunity in Sweden to get them on the verge of Herd Immunity now.

No wonder everyone is confused!
3 years

I miss buffets

Not me, at least not yet. But I haven't yet graduated to the point of having a large enough appetite to really justify it. I look forward to when I do. This virus crisis should be over by then, or else we'll be in a LOT of trouble.

I do however, feel sorry for anyone who loved to visit them before. It can be a very good value if you're part of the 1-5% of customers who are loss leaders. That is, you eat enough on each trip that you cause a negative profit margin on an individual basis and they lose money on you. They make up the overall profit margin from the other customers, though.

I heard of one of the cruise lines that tried to run another voyage anyway. It was an epic fail with a terrible COVID outbreak, but that's not the point. In light of the virus, one thing they did was not have buffets on board for that trip.

Of course, my first thought was "Wow, seriously? Isn't that pretty much most of the reason to go on a cruise to start with? Sure, you visit all these places but let's get real.. 1 or 2 days isn't enough time to properly explore and learn about a place."

Main reason I'd even want to go on a cruise is so I could stay stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey each day, hopefully gaining 1-2 lbs a day and perhaps go up a size.

It's gonna be awhile before I could consider going on a cruise, though. It also doesn't help that I'm single, don't have anyone I could go with, and the rates for 1 person cost just as much as the rates for 2.
3 years