Extreme obesity

Into slobs?

MilkandHoney wrote:
I couldn't agree with you any more! I love everything about the slob fetish from art to fiction and even real life practices lol. I also love how its becoming more and more accepted or at least getting out there more. With popular artist and authors bringing it up in their work, models incorporating it into clips, and role players being a bit braver of bringing it up. It works well into fat fetish as a taboo since we don't want the world to see us as fat lazy slobs but the excess that comes with it is too alluring smiley

Slobism is, like many things in this fetish, a double-edge sword for many. While we want to project to the world that fat people can smell good, be clean and hygenic, and can look very nice, even attractive, we also kind of get turned on by the stereotype of the fat lazy slob.

I think there is a fat lazy slob inside many of us. We can joyfully let our inner slobs out on weekends and during vacation and during the fun roleplays you mention, M&H.

I love that there are so many dual appeals/disgusts expressed in our peculiar desires.
9 years

Into slobs?

Not so much for me, it kills the feel for it. I don't know maybe I just am too much of a neat freak or something.
9 years

Into slobs?

Whoploc wrote:
I definitely find some aspects of a girl being kind of a slob very sexy/turn ons. I love the idea of her getting lazier and lazier the bigger she got and getting messier and messier as a result. Food/candy wrappers & containers spread around her after days of continual stuffing/gorging. Belching and slurping food down as fast as she can, caysing Her increasingly too small shirts to be stained with grease and crumbs, while sweating and breating heavily at the slightest exertion.

I definitely wouldn't mind a girl who didnt mind pigging out like this, i'd be happy bring the food to cause the mess and just as happily clean up all the empty wrappers

How about a slob feedee who is also a dom, constantly telling you to keep things cleaned up while she is messy! Perhaps making you clean her many times a day, and berating you for not keeping up with the "housework" of keeping her in a clean environment, all the while making huge messes all about?
9 years

Into slobs?

I love the whole slob thing. It's the best when you can see the transformation of someone into a slob so hot.
7 years

Into slobs?

I like the slob fetish it's a huge turn on for me when I'm being one or if someone else is one. Although I love burping, messy eating, and laziness. I am a shower lover lol I don't like the non washing part that's not for me

ditto, it's a huge turn on when a woman burps, and I love burping too, but I am also a shower lover
7 years

Into slobs?

not my MAIN thing, but i do have a fatty friend who keeps trying to convince me to quit my morning shower as i gain, so far i've managed to resist temptation, but.... smiley
6 years

Into slobs?

In fantasy terms I love the idea of having some poor soul wait on me hand and foot while I lay in bed or on the couch in super tight panties & a crop top that was a tank top which covered my belly a long time ago, my massive dimpled thighs at either side of me so my enormous gut can hang down & graze the floor. I sit there oblivious to fat & grotesque I am as I keep gorging myself, grease stains & crumbs cover my top while my mouth is covred in chocolate, belching & farting like nobody's there, my attention only broken when I've eaten all my food & need more or when my servant/feeder grabs my many rolls & scolds me for being such a disgusting, lazy, morbidly obese piggy who's only good for stuffing her face.

Okay. Now this sounds hot. This feederism stuff is definitely kinking me up.
4 years

Into slobs?

Yes definitely. The more sloppy they get the more they will enjoy a bath with me after the feeding is done.
3 years

Into slobs?

[quote]Whoploc wrote:
I definitely find some aspects of a girl being kind of a slob very sexy/turn ons. I love the idea of her getting lazier and lazier the bigger she got and getting messier and messier as a result. Food/candy wrappers & containers spread around her after days of continual stuffing/gorging. Belching and slurping food down as fast as she can, caysing Her increasingly too small shirts to be stained with grease and crumbs, while sweating and breating heavily at the slightest exertion.

I definitely wouldn't mind a girl who didnt mind pigging out like this, i'd be happy bring the food to cause the mess and just as happily clean up all the empty wrappers

How about a slob feedee who is also a dom, constantly telling you to keep things cleaned up while she is messy! Perhaps making you clean her many times a day, and berating you for not keeping up with the "housework" of keeping her in a clean environment, all the while making huge messes all about?[/quote

That sums my life up some right there
3 years

Into slobs?

100% My taste don’t even run that big for the most part but a feedee should be a slob in my mind.
I always encourage my girls to let themselves go in every possible way.
Nothing sexy than seeing a girl going from well made up in pretty dresses and well looked after hair, to fat slob on a couch in sweats, greasy hair and pale splotchy not made up face.
3 years
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