Fat experiences

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

So I opened up to my girlfriend pretty early on about gaining and told her I wanted to be bigger. She said she wasn’t okay with it but wouldn’t stop me from doing it as I wasn’t that fat at the time. I’ve gained about 50lbs from then and her reaction to my body is not what I expected at all. She’s all over my belly all the time, rubbing her face in it and has said it turns her on. I always say to her I’ve made her like fat people but she always denies! She’s still not fully on board with further weight gain but I think she’s happy that I gained those 50lbs. Has anyone’s partner ever changed their mind after being against gaining??
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

So in my case my wife always seemed like she liked me to be more toned and cut up way back when I was into lifting heavy....I was pretty muscular with a slightly round belly...not much at all. Many years later I accidentally gained and then decided to intentionally gain....and I put on close to 45 Lbs. in 4-6 months. My wife was the same she couldn't keep her hands off of my belly ....although it made it pretty easy because it was always getting in the way and not only was she so much more into the frequency of se but she was initiated it almost every night. She didn't discuss but not only could I tell she liked it she seemed to try and get me even bigger with huge helpings at meals and seconds followed by fattening deserts. The good news was she was eating close to as much as I was....we were big time eating buddies. It was one of the only times she never complained about gaining a bunch of weight....I guess because I was out gaining her.

I am not sure if it has something to do with them being the good wife and cooking and making there husbands Fat or if it is a slight grown FA fetish...not sure...would love to see this thread get a lot of action.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

I can’t speak for men but of the women I’ve dated in my life I wouldn’t say any of them were actual feedees when we started dating.

Most of them were thin or at least not particularly thick. I’ve always made It clear with women I see that I love cooking, I love a woman that eats, and I am a bad influence.

I have found that most of the women I have dated will be very negative about the idea of gaining weight at first. I would argue this is a socially learnt trait that is pushed on women pretty heavily.

Yet when I bake up a batch of brownies or cakes, they eat with wild abandon while declaring something like ‘your gonna make me fat’.
To which I will declare I can stop making sweats if you are worried about your figure, but I don’t mind you gaining weight.

99% of the time once they realise I don’t care if they put on weight they stop caring too.
The important point to make is it is about what they want. I make it clear what I like, but also always make it clear I support them being happy in their body. The level of toxic and control behaviour that can go with feederism is a real issue that should be avoided at all costs.

My first serious girl friend made it clear after putting on a bit of weight that she loved the weight she put in but did not want to gain more.
So we did what we could to keep her in that realm. (Side note she got married years after we broke up and has about 5-6 kids now)

So I suppose my long winded point is most women I have been in relationships with quickly gave up on being thin when they realised weight gain wasn’t a huge issue.

Having said that if you want someone to get very big this would be a different keetle of fish. Most women I date sit at around 160-180lbs after we’ve been together for a year or two. I am not looking to see someone go into the 300+ this is a much bigger commitment.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

When I met my husband 20 years ago I was a curvy 150ish at 5'4". Always on and off the diet train like most women.
He always told me he loved my bod the way it was and that any size I was would be sexy.
I never wanted to gain back then.
2 kids and several years later I was up around 220. I knew HE thought I was sexy but I just couldn't see myself that way. 😥
Then one day I saw his porn collection. 🔥👀🔥
Women ranging from 200 to 500. All gorgeous women. (Some of them are on this site 😘)
I started to see the beauty and sexuality in all that extra fat they were carrying.
Sowly but surely I started seeing my bigger self as sexy the way I was.
That's when my inner feedee and feeder came out!
Now I'm at 300 and looking forward to see what this bod looks like at 350.💋
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

When I met my husband 20 years ago I was a curvy 150ish at 5'4". Always on and off the diet train like most women.
He always told me he loved my bod the way it was and that any size I was would be sexy.
I never wanted to gain back then.
2 kids and several years later I was up around 220. I knew HE thought I was sexy but I just couldn't see myself that way. 😥
Then one day I saw his porn collection. 🔥👀🔥
Women ranging from 200 to 500. All gorgeous women. (Some of them are on this site 😘)
I started to see the beauty and sexuality in all that extra fat they were carrying.
Sowly but surely I started seeing my bigger self as sexy the way I was.
That's when my inner feedee and feeder came out!
Now I'm at 300 and looking forward to see what this bod looks like at 350.💋

Beautiful story, glad you found someone who could help bring out that side of you.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

My wife has never been okay with gaining weight, but I think she's deep down okay with it.

When I met her in '02 she was in the 210's. We got married in '07 and she was about 165. But since then it's been a roller coaster ride for her. Gain 20 lose 10. Gain 30 lose 10. Gain another 30 lose 20 etc. I don't know her exact weight right now, but I think she's in the 290's. She loves eating, especially chocolate. When she's trying to lose, I'll cook better and keep junk away. But she always goes back to it on her own...which I'm happy to help with! I think she wants to lose weight because thats what society says. But she can't help herself.
4 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

Yes. When my boyfriend and I first started talking, he was very skinny. He’d been drinking kind of heavily for awhile so had a tiny beer belly he was super self-conscious about. He’d always blush and say he was getting fat anytime his shirt came off. I just laughed it off as he weighed just 30lbs more than me (so he was 150) at that time. I’d pinch his small, yet soft little tummy and “jokingly” tell him that he either needed to lose 10lbs, or gain about forty. After he realized I wasn’t joking, he just laughed it off and said he was going to lose the weight.

Within a few months, due to his total lack of self control, laziness, and because of me giving him the most fattening meals and snacks I could find, he slowly but surely started blowing up like a balloon. He’s only 5”7 so the more his belly started to balloon, the wider and rounder he looked. Every morning I’d been watching him struggle more and more every day to get his work pants buttoned. He’d suck in his huge belly, pull them up and button them, and then his growing belly would push the waist band down and protrude out a couple of inches, the flabby rolls hanging over. He didn’t even realize how huge he was getting until he popped out of his work pants one morning. After his typical struggle to suck his growing belly in, he finally buttoned his pants, only this time as soon as stopped sucking in, his too tight pants could no longer handle the strain, and his button went flying off as his jiggly belly popped out.

My poor, pale skinned, ginger boy turned bright red and looked over at me, “Am I getting fat”? I reassured him he looked sexy and the little extra weight looked good on him. He whined about wanting to lose the weight still, as he jiggled his flabby belly, and I noticed his double chin coming in. Then I just laughed and reminded him I told him to either lose the ten pounds (probably closer to 20 or 25 now) or gain the 40. He looked uncomfortable so I tried to laugh it off.

When it finally became apparent to him he probably wasn’t going to lose any weight around me, he started to embrace his gaining. His gluttony is astounding. Watching him grow from 150lbs to 215lbs and counting has been nothing short of amazing. I love watching him grow. We’ve gone up almost 6 pants sizes since we started. His moobs are starting to rival mine. I love how soft and jiggly every part of him is becoming. I’m so glad he changed his mind and decided to let me help him grow. Love my little Chunker.
3 years

Has anyone’s partner originally not been okay with gaining and then change their mind?

My wife is not an active gainer and has always resisted it in her mind. But what is slowly accepted, grows daily and is undeniable is her passionate love affair with food.

And she knows that will never go away. She looks forward to it more. She rewards herself more. Every week she comes back from the store with more. Wants to eat out more.

And so there's just an acceptance that she's going to have to be bigger if she wants to live this lifestyle.

I think we get so hung up on the fat/body/sex part here and forget the root is always an overwhelming love for food.
3 years