Fat experiences

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

So, story of the day: I work from home, don't really ever need to go outside, and even less often in quarantine. I mostly wear comfy pyjamas or loose fitting clothes at home, but today I finally needed to go out shopping. Only, when I went to put my jeans on, none of them fit. Not a single pair. I have just one that I could button up but they were cutting into me under my belly.

But I had to go, so I forced them on and off I went. Then in the shop, I happen to come across two friends who I haven't seen since the start of quarantine. And the whole time they were talking to me, one of them was continuously staring at my belly. Neither said anything but I knew they noticed the difference. Not sure if it was embarrassing, but I'm interested to see how many people notice the difference when this whole thing is over.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing recently? It was kind of funny but now I have to replace all of my jeans and trousers because I know for sure none of them fit!
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

I've fattened out of most of my clothes as well. Virtually all my T-shirts are too short for me now and all my button-downs gap at the buttons when I sit down.
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

Captain Cake:
So, story of the day: I work from home, don't really ever need to go outside, and even less often in quarantine. I mostly wear comfy pyjamas or loose fitting clothes at home, but today I finally needed to go out shopping. Only, when I went to put my jeans on, none of them fit. Not a single pair. I have just one that I could button up but they were cutting into me under my belly.

But I had to go, so I forced them on and off I went. Then in the shop, I happen to come across two friends who I haven't seen since the start of quarantine. And the whole time they were talking to me, one of them was continuously staring at my belly. Neither said anything but I knew they noticed the difference. Not sure if it was embarrassing, but I'm interested to see how many people notice the difference when this whole thing is over.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing recently? It was kind of funny but now I have to replace all of my jeans and trousers because I know for sure none of them fit!

Yeah I've had sort of similar experience in that working from home I've put on 10-15 lbs and none of my bottoms/trousers fit. So I've taken to wearing sweatpants with elastic bands. My ex noticed that with a bit of a smile on her face, probably happy I'm blowing up further. Not sure what I'll do if I have to go back into the office, which fortunately isn't imminent.
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

I haven’t had to leave the house more than a few times in the last 2 months and have been living in sweatpants, baggy shirts and no bra. Now that I’ve been home I eat on a more regular basis and I haven’t been working out but I didn’t think I was gaining much. I knew that before my vacation at the beginning of March I was 255 lbs. I went to put on a pair of jeans the other day and I couldn’t even button them. I tried everything until I gave up. They’re a size 18 that I was forced to buy bc I could no longer squeeze into my jeans after the holidays. They fit but were a little snug in the belly after immediate washing. They were what I wore on my last day at work before we closed. When I couldn’t even button them the other day I decided to get on the scale and I was 286 lbs. 30 freaking lbs in 2 months! I stepped on and off the scale 5 times because I couldn’t believe it. Never in my life have I been this big and I didn’t even realize it was happening. I went to my friends house yesterday in the only pair of sweatpants that fit and a bra that was a little too tight. She is also fat with a huge gut and has never even brought up my weight so when she said “Have you been exercising? Because you’re looking a little chunky” I was sooo embarrassed. I’ve always secretly liked being fat and I love food but I don’t want to get bigger than a size 20 or over 300 lbs. I’m wondering if I should just go for it and get up to 300 lbs and hope nobody says anything or if I should start trying to lose the weight now. I could easily gain another 10 lbs trying if I gained 30 in 2 months without trying right?

Well, since people will notice anyway, you may as well do the job properly and get to at least 300. See how you like it...
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

I haven’t had to leave the house more than a few times in the last 2 months and have been living in sweatpants, baggy shirts and no bra. Now that I’ve been home I eat on a more regular basis and I haven’t been working out but I didn’t think I was gaining much. I knew that before my vacation at the beginning of March I was 255 lbs. I went to put on a pair of jeans the other day and I couldn’t even button them. I tried everything until I gave up. They’re a size 18 that I was forced to buy bc I could no longer squeeze into my jeans after the holidays. They fit but were a little snug in the belly after immediate washing. They were what I wore on my last day at work before we closed. When I couldn’t even button them the other day I decided to get on the scale and I was 286 lbs. 30 freaking lbs in 2 months! I stepped on and off the scale 5 times because I couldn’t believe it. Never in my life have I been this big and I didn’t even realize it was happening. I went to my friends house yesterday in the only pair of sweatpants that fit and a bra that was a little too tight. She is also fat with a huge gut and has never even brought up my weight so when she said “Have you been exercising? Because you’re looking a little chunky” I was sooo embarrassed. I’ve always secretly liked being fat and I love food but I don’t want to get bigger than a size 20 or over 300 lbs. I’m wondering if I should just go for it and get up to 300 lbs and hope nobody says anything or if I should start trying to lose the weight now. I could easily gain another 10 lbs trying if I gained 30 in 2 months without trying right?

I’ve been pushing 250 for a while now and have been hesitant about going further, only because I don’t think my boyfriend is quite in to people my size (he’s never said anything bad but never done anything hot like giggle my belly). Recently I’ve just been like screw it and have been eating whatever and whenever I wanted. I haven’t weighed myself because I’m in denial but I know I’ve put on weight. When your stretchy pants are getting tight you know you’ve made a significant gain LOL
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

Upon returning to work three weeks ago, I realized I couldn't fit into some of my clothes. Normally wearing a size 24 jeans would be a breeze to put on. But this time, it's has gotten small (even the elastic pull on's has gotten small).
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

I have pants and shirts for a 72 inch waist so I'm good. My mass is proportional to my volume, which is a cubic function of my diameter. In other words, I am a whole 'nother dimension of fat.

Hate to disagree, but wouldn't it be a square function (since your height is not likely to increase with your weight)?
4 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

Right?! I noticed that some of my stretchy pants were fitting tighter but I just thought it was because they were different styles or sizes! I didn’t think anything of it until I tried on clothes and nothing fit. I’m waiting for bigger sizes to come now smiley

How are the new stretchy pants fitting now?
3 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

ya i put on an old chef coat the other day and could barely button it, and it was baggy on me a year ago...yikes
3 years

First time out in a while, realised i outgrew my clothes

When I went back to work I started dropping weight bc I was more active and on my feet all day. Nothing big but I’m down 15 lbs from my heaviest weight. My sweatpants are still a little tight and even a bigger size of the stretchy pants I wear for work are snug. My pre quarantine jeans still don’t button and I’m currently squeezing into my biggest pair of jeans until I have no choice but to get new ones. I walked into the kitchen today in tight shorts and a tank top that kept riding up and I made myself 2 english muffins with butter and jelly, a big bowl of cereal and some bacon and my Mom said “What are you wearing? Those clothes don’t fit you. Have you lost any weight bc it doesn’t look like it and that shirt is 2 sizes too small” if only finances weren’t tight for me to buy as much junk food as possible and fatten up quickly to see what she says😂🤷🏽‍♀️

Did it feel good to squeeze into those tight jeans and tank top? If you went out like that it would definitely draw attention.
3 years