Fat experiences

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

*puts on sunglasses*

Absolutely perfect

4 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

just wanted to post a link that is related. www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up
4 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

just wanted to post a link that is related. ]www.confessionpost.com/8908/My-wife-is-fattening-me-up

damn...that's a lot of masturbation (for me)
4 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

How often do you have sex?

Sadly due to a cured cancer/hystorectomy/forced menopause, never. It is too painful for her, and neither of us like oral sex.
ducklovesblubber:Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?

Whilst at the start it was very much lust, thankfully love was very quick to become dominant.
ducklovesblubber:Do they know that you love fatter people?

Yes they do. Originally, she was looking for a BHM and wanted to gain with me. Sadly, the cancer means she can't, and she is "losing weight" and getting fitter. I support this, but am obviously disappointed. She is happy for me to be online to chat fat to folks to keep this part of me alive.
So far her weight loss has been to get fatter, but in no way am I encouraging that. I love it though!
The other day I was so stuffed that for the first time since the forced menopause started she was turned on.
ducklovesblubber:How do they feel about themself?

They don't like their apron and will often say that the fat gets in the way. This is a total change since we first met, but that's life.
ducklovesblubber:What activities do you like to do with them?

At the moment we are doing lots of walking together. Whilst I want to get much fatter, I realise it is important for me to be stronger/fitter too, so that I can do my busy job for longer.
Otherwise we love visiting places and exploring.
4 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

just wanted to post a link that is related.

Try this one: www.confessionpost.com/64539/my-husband-is-getting-fat
3 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

To answer the general topic: like a dream come true, truly wonderful.

To the specific questions:

How often do you have sex?
- it varies depending on what else is going on in life, weather, whatever, but generally once or twice a week, with occasional weeks where it doesn't happen.

Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?
- much more on love, but lust definitely still plays a roll

Do they know that you love fatter people?
- she knows that I love her fat, but I never talk about what I find attraction in other people (fat or anything else)

How do they feel about themself?
- She doesn't always love her weight, but there are times she feels pretty hot, and in bed she knows I'm nuts about her and that helps.

What activities do you like to do with them?
- walking, biking, drinking coffee, eating -- walking and biking often involve stops at coffee shops to do the latter two smiley
3 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

How often do you have sex?
- Every night, often for hours on end.

Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?
-Undercurrents of both - love keeps us so tightly bound to each other, and lust fuels the fire.

Do they know that you love fatter people?
- Yes, and he teases me about it constantly! Sometimes he'll point out men of various sizes and ask if I want him this size or that size, occasionally picking out the biggest guy in the place thinking he's being cheeky, that that's amusingly excessive, but..

How do they feel about themself?
-He's taken a lot of reassurance and reinforcement of how much I love his gaining and whatnot, and he was insanely fit and a little neurotic about food rules, but he's really coming into his own now.

What activities do you like to do with them?
- A bit of everything! Hanging out, going on trips, going for drives, etc.
3 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

How often do you have sex?
As often as we can with young kids and a baby around

Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?
Both but probably more love. They drive each other

Do they know that you love fatter people?

How do they feel about themself?

Mixed. At the moment were on a beach vacation and she is in mixed minds about no longer having the bikini body she had 6years ago, but the good weather and food has her in a good mood generally. She loves her belly and is showing it off a lot, but is not a fan of her cute double chin.

She loves herself in private but not so much in public.

What activities do you like to do with them?

Concerts, walks, restaurants, travel(not happening much right now), working on our companies.
3 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

Having a fat wife is awesome :-) We just had a baby, so that speaks to our sex life :-)
3 years

For those who have a fat wife/husband, what is it like?

How often do you have sex?
2-3x a week. It has gone way DOWN since she's gaining and all she wants to do is eat and watch Netflix at night. She's simply so passionate about her nightly takeout and new shows she's chomping at the bit to watch. I still have mixed feelings about the "fat" lifestyle.

Do you feel like your relationship is built off love or lust?
Definitely love, 2 kids, it's sometimes a challenge to strategically play on your lust and still need your own private time to unwind.

Do they know that you love fatter people?
Yes, of course.

How do they feel about themself?
She's not in love with her body (lol what girl is!). But is in LOVE with the lifestyle and hedonistic nature of it. So there's some clear cognitive dissonance she's still working through.

What activities do you like to do with them?
Neighborhood cookouts with good friends (almost nightly). Our neighbors are much bigger, too! We're also big travelers (which usually involves big eating!). Adventure. Not lazy cruise traveling. We like going to see the Northern Lights, mountain hiking, etc. She really hit the wall with the hiking recently at her weight.
3 years