Extreme obesity

Smoking and extreme obesity

Smoke up all the fuck you want, 600 air quality index is gonna be the new normal.

What does a smoker's cigarette consumption have to do with air quality indices when forest fires and industrial pollution are the top contributing factors? That's akin to blaming a foodie's "excessive" consumption (as judged by others) for wastewater treatment issues when the cause is primarily storm runoff, not human excrement.
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

That's not what I said at all lol. I was just saying we're probably all gonna die of cancer no matter what, since the environment is currently the best it will ever be in our probably short lifetimes, so eat drink and be merry
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

That's not what I said at all lol. I was just saying we're probably all gonna die of cancer no matter what, since the environment is currently the best it will ever be in our probably short lifetimes, so eat drink and be merry

Our environment as a whole has improved greatly and continues to do so in the US and Europe since the industrial revolution, thanks to technological advances reducing emissions. As for China, India, and other up and coming nations, they still have an extremely long way to go in cleaning up their act.

Regardless, we should all enjoy life and respect the fact that each individual has the autonomy to decide what foods and/or intoxicants they want to introduce into their own body.

So, yes... Eat, drink, and be merry!
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Climate change denial is a really stupid look. You're embarrassing yourself. 70% of all wildlife has disappeared in the past several decades. 70%.
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Climate change is here now, will be in the future AND WAS IN THE PAST BEFIRE HUMANS. I live in Florida and you can find shark teeth 60 miles inland. That means Florida was underwater. Maybe that was normal. What explains extinction before humans? Btw. I have planted hundreds of trees because I am nature lover... and I harvest trees too.... let’s keep an open mind on climate cycles but at the same time work to make the environment better....
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Climate change is here now, will be in the future AND WAS IN THE PAST BEFIRE HUMANS. I live in Florida and you can find shark teeth 60 miles inland. That means Florida was underwater. Maybe that was normal. What explains extinction before humans? Btw. I have planted hundreds of trees because I am nature lover... and I harvest trees too.... let’s keep an open mind on climate cycles but at the same time work to make the environment better....

In southern California, you can find shark teeth on top of mountains... So?
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Nobody is denying climate change. However science proves climate change is entirely a natural phenomenon, ultimately part of the life cycle of a planet. It takes an incredible amount of conceit for an individual to believe that members of one species of one planet, in existence for a statistically insignificant amount of time in relation to the age of the universe as a whole, can effect any substantial change in their climate.
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

The point is that I agree with Newenglander.... climate change has always been the case... with or without humans... Don’t let politicians take more money from you in the name of saving the earth or whatever..... that is all
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

TDIL: Two people having the same misinformed opinion is fact.
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

What is a fact is that our Sun, like all stars, will eventually become a Red Giant, completely consuming Earth. No amount of effort on our part can accelerate or slow this process.
4 years
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