
How long between weigh-ins?

I’ve been obsessive about checking my weight during gaining in the past, but I’m making an effort to check it less often now because I think it’d be more satisfying if I could see a bigger difference between weigh-ins. How long do you go between weigh-ins? I want to be surprised, but it’s so hard to wait!
3 years

How long between weigh-ins?

I think the general rule is pick a day of the week. Checking it too frequently will sometimes show weight loss because it fluctuates a little from day to day.
3 years

How long between weigh-ins?

I weigh myself every morning I'm at our principal residence. Usually after my morning jog, which I know sounds counter productive to someone who is fascinated by weight gain and before breakfast. When at our mountain home, without a scale I bring along my trusty measuring tape to keep tract of any gains or losses.
3 years

How long between weigh-ins?

I used to weigh myself daily, but those daily fluctuations could sometimes be a bit demoralizing.

Since I've been posting my progress here once per week, I've decided to just weigh myself once per week. I've been gaining quickly enough that the weekly gain is very encouraging.
3 years