Extreme obesity

How fat would you like to be?

I would have to say around 1300 pounds just to beat the current workd record for fattest woman, but as im just barely 5 feet tal ill probably die before 800

We are already two because I have not eaten anything healthy for months and I am increasing my weight like crazy and the truth is that I think I will exceed 1300 pounds
4 years

How fat would you like to be?

My goal weight started at 600 lbs but as I slowly came to accept myself for who I was I've set my goal at 900 lbs. I want to be so fat my belly completely covers my legs and touches the floor. I want to hear the shock from doctors when they see me year after year continually packing on the pounds super fast and see the looks on thwir faces after they give me all their schpeel about how bad my weight is as I tell them that idc about any of what they say and that I plan to keep putting on weight and not watch what I eat or exercise whatsoever. I've also already come to accept that I'll have to deal with embarassment once I get so big I can't wipe my own butt, and while hopefully I'll have a great feeder and or mutual gainer partner to help me with doing such personal things, that may not be an option and a nurse may have to help me wipe my butt idc tho as long as im morbidly obese and happy
4 years

How fat would you like to be?

I've thought about this a lot recently.
I've always been athletic and recently broke my ankle. 3 titanium screws later and I'm still not getting around too well.
I used to walk or run or hike about every day and now i just feel like that part of my life is over.
I'm above 160 now and crave sugar like mad.
Never liked pasta before but it's comforting to feel full.
Not sure why that is?
i never thought i would be like this and really tried to stay fit and thin and like i said. yeh.

Doc says i'll prolly never run a half marathon again. The two people who are helping take care of me really havent helped me with my eating habits.
How fat would i like to be?
1. Not fat at all.
2. I'm taking it a pound at a time.
3. 200 seems impossible - but so did 150 a while ago.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

A good 350 just a big round belly 8moboobs šŸ˜€
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

As of right now I'd like to reach 600-700lbs
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

I want to gain until i hit immobility then lose a bit of weight till im able to walk again. Should i not be able to lose weight i wouldnt really be opposed to being immobile. I think i would even enjoy it.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Iā€™m 240lbs right now but, I wish I was around 450lbs to 500lbs with a huge double apron belly and a big fat pear shaped bottom.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Iā€™m under 190 lbs, for now Iā€™m doing exercises to make most of being single and save mutual weight gain when I find special some one. I want to get so huge and fat with her up to 400 lbs or more, that we may never want to lose weight ever again
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

I've been over 400 fo a little while now. I once thought 300 would be enough. My new goal is 450. I want to still be able to work. So I'm not sure if I'll be able to do much more than that. But to be honest I love it so much idk if I will even be able to stop. I just love eating and feeling what I've done to my self pull me to the ground more and more every day. The life style if so intoxicating. It's just amazing šŸ˜

Update 3!
I'm up to 434!
I can't stop. I need more food and fat! I said I still wanted to be able to work but with the limitations my current weight is bringing...... thats not an option. I'm working on getting a sit down job so I can keep gaining. My size 58s are tight im going to move up to a 62! My new goal is no more lap! Just belly! 500+ here I come! šŸ˜
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

In my fantasies, 413 pounds...I think I would just have an O right then and there if I saw a needle or a digital number at over 400. Would probably weigh myself and again and again just to have that thrill.

413 pounds in my fantasies but IRL I'm probably big enough now, it is hard enough to find stylish clothes and it gets expensive to keep buying them and the old ones that are perfectly near-new have to sit in the closet because the skirt won't zip or the dress won't close.

The thought of being that big beats the reality of it, I have known some women who pushed the limits too far only to regret it. You've plumped up very nicely so far, be proud of yourself and rock those curves!
3 years