
The progression of the fetish.

So as I've gotten older, I've noticed that I'm liking more and more fat on women. I've seen enough posts to know, that's the case for several others, so I wanted to ask. How far has everyone's fetish here progressed? What was the starting point and where are you now?

For me when I first noticed I like bigger girls, I like just a little bit of bell over the waste band with a bit of jiggle and a bubble butt with cellulite. I didn't like ssbbw or even the mid to large side of just bbw, but I'm now at the point where I crave the massive ssbbw with large double bellies and huge thighs replete with cellulite and folds. Its been a gradual thing over the past decade or so, but when I think about what I like now vs then, its a world of difference.

So what about you? How have things progressed? Do you like people bigger? Do you have a greater desire to BE bigger? Have your goals increased?
3 years

The progression of the fetish.

For me this fetish preogressed from always wanting to be like the fat kids in school and always going for the fat girls, but no lne over 250 lbs or so as there was no one bigger. As I've gotten older however, I've become obesessed with becoming morbidly obese myself and take a liking toward girls who also are very morbidly obese
3 years

The progression of the fetish.

Ahh... Kelligrl. She was lovely, wasn't she?
3 years

The progression of the fetish.

I have always liked bigger women ever since I was a child. Whether it came from watching eighties sitcom and having the female character gain alot of or from just having a fat character there; just to see one made me realize that I liked bigger women. Fast forward to my college days was when I felt that I could date whom I wanted with confidence. I was brought into this lifestyle by women I dated but what I learned then as that for most this was just a part time fancy to get off to and not a full lifestyle. After years of trying to meet women whom I liked in the lifestyle to no success; eventually I turned it inward. It started eating more than usual in private and I didn't think anyone noticed but when I moved away was when it went full fledged because no one knew me there and the crazy idea popped into my head that I would be that neighborhood fat man and it took off from there. I even see myself moving again and expanding even more.
3 years

The progression of the fetish.

I was hooked on ultra sized fatties as a kid the second I saw one in public in a wheelchair. I just NEEDED to know more about what was under those clothes. As I've gotten older, and gotten closer to several people with these kinds of bodies, there were times when it was a bit of a 'culture shock'. Some of the struggles and private challenges that fat people don't really talk to anyone else about.... I was a bit timid of some of it at first, but now I'm like chest deep in all of it. I'm at this point where literally EVERYTHING about obesity is a turn on for me.
3 years

The progression of the fetish.

Pre-puberty, before I really knew what was going on in my mind, I would pad with blankets and pillows and waddle around my room because it just felt good.

Later on during puberty, I would say the first real fetish i discovered was pregnant bellies (and what happens to boobs during pregnancy too!). I loved the roundness and look of a big belly, but only pregnant-shaped really got me going.

Eventually I started to meld into a sort of in-between "belly preference", where i still loved the look of pregnant, but imagining that she stuffed her face to look that way made things way more interesting. Later still i came to realize that all big bellies (preggo or not) turned me on, and discovering site like this one only helped to accelerate that!

The interesting thing was that my "belly preference" kind of waxed and wained between preggo and fat over the years. The newest part of all of this however is after putting on the covid 20, i can't stop sticking out my own belly and squeezing the new chub whenever i get a chance. Definitely not an intentional gain, but more of a "the world sucks, lets eat" kind of gain. Im going to see where it goes from here!
3 years