Extreme obesity

Too fat to masturbate

my ex was 5'6" 190 lbs when we met. her favorite way to pleasure herself was from behind.

she was very bottom heavy and by the time she was 250, she wasn't able to anymore.

went up to 263 when we broke up. 3 year gain.
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

My stomach has always been a problem area for me since my days as a football player but when I got with my ex and she took my down the rabbit hole called Feederism; it has morphed tremendously and to go from one extreme to other is a quirky experience. I went from a ball belly to a hanging gut and the fat I gained was extra squishy due to all of th subcutaneous fat that I agreed that I would gain due to her wanting to be my feeder to the point I surpassed her. Not only did I develop a hanging fat apron; the fat in my hip, thighs and crotch area grew tremendously so once you lay back and can't see past your gut to then dig your member out; I knew then that I was in a territory of extreme obesity but I knew that one day if I kept this up that I might be one of the people on My 600 Pound Life and that turned her completely on but scared me because sexually I was completely dependent on her to get me off and she would use it to her advantage. She had a reward system that if I didn't eat what she gave me then I would not "get off" if she had anything to do with it. Lol.🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽

This totally sounds like my dream dom/sub situation - I love it!
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

My stomach has always been a problem area for me since my days as a football player but when I got with my ex and she took my down the rabbit hole called Feederism; it has morphed tremendously and to go from one extreme to other is a quirky experience. I went from a ball belly to a hanging gut and the fat I gained was extra squishy due to all of th subcutaneous fat that I agreed that I would gain due to her wanting to be my feeder to the point I surpassed her. Not only did I develop a hanging fat apron; the fat in my hip, thighs and crotch area grew tremendously so once you lay back and can't see past your gut to then dig your member out; I knew then that I was in a territory of extreme obesity but I knew that one day if I kept this up that I might be one of the people on My 600 Pound Life and that turned her completely on but scared me because sexually I was completely dependent on her to get me off and she would use it to her advantage. She had a reward system that if I didn't eat what she gave me then I would not "get off" if she had anything to do with it. Lol.🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽

This totally sounds like my dream dom/sub situation - I love it!
She used it her benefit because she knew that I knew that she was in control of how I released myself because I couldn't sexually release without her help. It was playfully sadistic. Lol
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

She used it her benefit because she knew that I knew that she was in control of how I released myself because I couldn't sexually release without her help. It was playfully sadistic. Lol

Oh yes, it is like the ultimate in domination and submission! And the aspect of having allowed yourself to grow into that position is just so tantalizing... I love it!
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

She used it her benefit because she knew that I knew that she was in control of how I released myself because I couldn't sexually release without her help. It was playfully sadistic. Lol

Oh yes, it is like the ultimate in domination and submission! And the aspect of having allowed yourself to grow into that position is just so tantalizing... I love it!
Most don't know what it takes to navigate the psychological landscape to purposely eat oneself into oblivion. Hell, we were academics so we even asked nutritionists about what fat could I gain so that it would be the kind of fat that would hang and sag.
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

You have so much FAT to enjoy why not, the art of masturbation must be cherished.
4 years

Too fat to masturbate

I think there's a big secret to the magical powers of losing a lot of weight and it coming back. So much softer and flabbier. I've had partners lose 50lbs before but because they were getting looser skin, I thought they were actually gaining weight
3 years

Too fat to masturbate

She used it her benefit because she knew that I knew that she was in control of how I released myself because I couldn't sexually release without her help. It was playfully sadistic. Lol

Oh yes, it is like the ultimate in domination and submission! And the aspect of having allowed yourself to grow into that position is just so tantalizing... I love it!

Most don't know what it takes to navigate the psychological landscape to purposely eat oneself into oblivion. Hell, we were academics so we even asked nutritionists about what fat could I gain so that it would be the kind of fat that would hang and sag.

Did you notice a difference in fat density? Im regaining a lost 100 and its coming back so soft, i feel amost the same size, but still 60lbs to go. Would love to continue to add flabby blubber that takes up tremendous amounts of space.

Yeah, but it was the fat that I was gaining which was subcutaneous fat which is the softer type of fat and that was the entire point to take up space and to see the flabby fat move almost at all times.
3 years

Too fat to masturbate

Lets see. I can still reach. But I fair a fairly large fat pad that fully hides my unit when soft and maybe an inch for fully incasing my unit when erect. Some have talked about this and there is a thread on this subject about fupa's. But I have reached a few points. that If I am "turned on" And start rocking a little bit. It's off to the races we go. And Wile driving the vibrations from the car can make it vary interesting. And yes I have. "Reached ejaculation." Wile driving down the road. That is quite feeling to have wile driving. :-)
3 years

Too fat to masturbate

Not there quite yet. Though i can’t reach to finger myself completely, it get uncomfortable to stretch my hand too far. I can still reach my clitoris just fine so i don’t think i’m there yet lol.

Damn girl, I wish you've already reached the point where you cant finger yourself anymore. I bet it gets you so hot, the though of not being able to control your pleasure anymore.
3 years
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