
I feel lonely and unloved

Hi vipersfate5,

Very sorry to hear that you are feeling lonely and unloved.

While you are going through this dark time, take a moment to be kind to yourself and remember that you are loved by family and friends even if it doesn't feel like it.

Also remember that you deserve love and kindness! I would advise you to say positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Say things that you like about yourself, or goals you have in life etc and say them aloud.

You can always find company here as well, log in to chat and join in with the conversations with our members, talk on forums or message users you have common interests with.

You may also wish to consider therapy, its a great way to express your feelings and get them all out on the table to sort through them. So many ways to access this support now days too! You can do this online, in real life or by phone.

Take care of yourself!
3 years