
Heavy cream is very sneaky

I'm not far behind you Justapig.
Since buying and taking lactose pills I can manage 300ml of double cream and the same of milk, all mixed with about 100g of Nutella. I've had no unpleasantness in the loo, and my hayfever symptoms have totally gone. I'm also up 2 lbs in the last few days!

I've never thought of heavy cream as a cure for hayfever! I'm glad it's working out for you though. I'm keeping up with my 300ml most days and have noticed a new layer of fat forming everywhere. Weight up 4 Kg (9 lbs) over last 5 weeks.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

been on it for 7 or 8 days now, seem a bit softer but very little if any change in the scale, probably averaging a little over a pint a day, (just finished 4th quart) very little change in belly measure also. Though it does seem i bounce a tiny bit. does it take this long for everyone for it to work? last week I weighed in at 198 and today I weighed 199.2.

You need to allow 2-3 weeks for the cream to have it's magical effect. There is a delay in it's working that many here have noticed.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I finally started another heavy whipping cream cycle!

This time, I did a bit of homework on the amount of fat the body can absorb in one sitting (about 1000 calories worth), as well as how long it takes the body to digest the fat (about 2 hours). I then adjusted my heavy whipping cream consumption accordingly.

I'm 5 days into my cycle, and the new consumption technique is working beautifully. My previous attempts were difficult because I was drinking too much in one sitting and making myself sick. This also resulted in the excess fat being wasted.

I'm now drinking about 10 fluid ounces of heavy whipping cream, 5 times per day. This is about 1 and 2/3 quart of heavy whipping cream, every day. I have kept the rest of my diet unchanged, and am relying only on the heavy whipping cream for weight gain.

I'm relieved to say that, for once, I'm not experiencing any nausea at all, and I'm not experiencing any gastrointestinal complaints. It's too soon for me to see or feel any physical changes in my body, but I have definitely noticed a change on the scale.

I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. So far, I'm up about 6 pounds! I have 23 days left in this gain cycle and, at this rate, I fully expect to have put on over 33 pounds by the time I'm done.

I'm seriously hoping that's enough weight gain to require a wardrobe change!
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've never thought of heavy cream as a cure for hayfever! I'm glad it's working out for you though. I'm keeping up with my 300ml most days and have noticed a new layer of fat forming everywhere. Weight up 4 Kg (9 lbs) over last 5 weeks.

Ah no sadly I meant that without the lactose pills I had hayfever symptoms. Milk and cream doesn't seem to agree with me much.

Well done on the gains. I fell off the wagon recently, mostly because my wife polished all the cream off! Can't complain but it is annoying!!
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I finally started another heavy whipping cream cycle!

This time, I did a bit of homework on the amount of fat the body can absorb in one sitting (about 1000 calories worth), as well as how long it takes the body to digest the fat (about 2 hours). I then adjusted my heavy whipping cream consumption accordingly.

I'm 5 days into my cycle, and the new consumption technique is working beautifully. My previous attempts were difficult because I was drinking too much in one sitting and making myself sick. This also resulted in the excess fat being wasted.

I'm now drinking about 10 fluid ounces of heavy whipping cream, 5 times per day. This is about 1 and 2/3 quart of heavy whipping cream, every day. I have kept the rest of my diet unchanged, and am relying only on the heavy whipping cream for weight gain.

I'm relieved to say that, for once, I'm not experiencing any nausea at all, and I'm not experiencing any gastrointestinal complaints. It's too soon for me to see or feel any physical changes in my body, but I have definitely noticed a change on the scale.

I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. So far, I'm up about 6 pounds! I have 23 days left in this gain cycle and, at this rate, I fully expect to have put on over 33 pounds by the time I'm done.

I'm seriously hoping that's enough weight gain to require a wardrobe change!

Keep us posted! 50 Oz a day is impressive! Are you doing anything to aid digestion? Any exercise?
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

i try and drink at least 300mls of heavy/double cream a day

I have started with the same amount every evening on Monday. Planning to do it for at least 7 days as a start.

So it could be that I feel and hopefully see the effect around mid-November?
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Keep us posted! 50 Oz a day is impressive! Are you doing anything to aid digestion? Any exercise?[/quote]

Will do! Today is my 7th day of this cycle, so I'll post my one-week gain tomorrow morning.

No, I'm not doing anything to aid digestion. Limiting myself to about 10 ounces at a time, and spreading them out at least two hours apart is making all the difference. This is the first time I've been able to do a heavy whipping cream cycle without experiencing nausea or indigestion.

No, I'm not exercising. I'm just being nice and sedentary and letting the weight pile on.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I just started my first time to ever use HC. I’ve been doing a pint a day. I feel my belly stretched out like I don’t have to push it out to the max. It’s been that way for the past few days. I don’t know if weight has been added yet. I don’t have a scale but I feel like it might have. I’ll stop at a store a check that. I’m honestly more interested in the distribution of where the fat goes. So far it’s my belly that’s protruding more and I’m so excited and turned on.
I’ve done a pint a day for 5 days and I plan to take a 2 day break before another 5 day circle.

Do you think I’ll experience the delayed effect that everyone talks about having?
Is what I’m drinking enough to see the blow up in a week or so?
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Here's my update on my current gaining cycle.

I weighed myself this morning and, after 7 days of heavy whipping cream, I am up 8 pounds!

I have noticed that the daily change in weight seems to be slowing. I'm not sure what's causing that.

I did some digging around and found a bottle of Lypo Gold in my medicine cabinet. I'm going to try that out to see if it makes a difference.

Based on the amount of heavy whipping cream I'm consuming, I need to take 5 pills each time I drink my 10 ounces. At that rate, the bottle won't last long. I'll probably finish it in a few days.

If the Lypo Gold helps improve digestion and boosts my gain again, then I'll need to reduce my consumption because I'm taking in more fat than my body can absorb, and there's no point wasting the money.

It would not be realistic to rely on the Lypo Gold due to the amount of pills I'd need to consume per day (25) to keep up with my fat consumption.

The other possibility is that I'm just approaching my previous plateau of 270 pounds. Maybe things will pick back up if I can break past that plateau. I'll post again in a few days to share the results of the Lypo Gold use.
3 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I used up all of the Lypo Gold, and it did not improve my gain at all, so I don't think absorption was a problem. I think it may have just been an issue of me approaching my previous plateau of 270 pounds.

On the plus side, it looks like I finally shot past my plateau this morning. I weighed in at 273 pounds. I'll check back in on Friday with my two-week update.
3 years