I've openly dated both skinny girls and fat girls. A lot more fat girls than skinny girls, but, enough to experience the grand canyon divide between how people treat you when you're dating a fat girl vs a skinny girl. Dating a skinny girl, even if she's a piece of shit, is like going in for a job interview when your dad is the CEO, only everyone you meet is the interviewer. People fucking love you when you date a skinny girl. Dating a fat girl is like being that person who has 4 advanced degrees and 20 years of experience, only to be passed up for the CEO's son because the interviewer thinks people with facial hair are Muslim terrorists and you might be a pedophile and he already got the job anyway.
I still prefer dating fat women, but god damn it, does it get exhausting sometimes dealing with OTHER PEOPLE. Fuck society yo. My girlfriend's mom has literally called me a mentally ill goblin deviant for being attracted to her daughter.
I'm sorry to hear that. Life is complicated for sure.