Fat experiences

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

During High school around at 260. I had a hard time going to seats because they were just so close to eachother, and I had to slide my way in and out.
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

My belly and ass are always in the way and or bumping in to something.
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

I have to suck it in sometimes, but not often. I do want to be that big in the future though. It is one of the small things I am looking to when becoming a big hippo.
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

At just over 400lbs my belly gets in the way to the point were sometimes I have to lift my belly over obstacles in order to reach thing
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

360lbs here, for my program in college almost all of our lectures were in the auditorium and oh boy you can bet mine and your big ass that I almost got stuck in those seats everyday.

Sounds amazing. 😊
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

I've been getting stuck or had to shimmy around my whole life..
In school it was those tiny connected seat and desks. I would always look around the classroom for the biggest one on the first day of school and hope there weren't assigned seats. Getting in and out had a routine where I would swing my body in and out and I always felt like a graceful kinds fatty.

Even now at 30 I shimmy sideways through halls and spaces. Even at my friends house I constantly get grabbed by door handles....its where 90% of the holes in my clothes come from. Haha
3 years

How much do you bumb into objects/chairs in your daily life?

I had no issues with that until I kept bumping into things and I have never been the clumsy type. But when it kept happening then I had to face the fact that I take up way more space and I have to account for that because I kept seeing myself as not that fat. But I knew I was fat when I broke a lawn chair
3 years