Extreme obesity

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

Yea...it seems the longer time has gone its the little Fat things that are as Arousing as the act itself. When my wife was at her fattest just hearing her out of breath and then needing to slow down to catch her breath was almost more arousing than the act. Agreed eating makes you horny and then having sex while being bloated and stuffed then makes you hungry feeling yourself that much fatter and out is shape.
3 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

For most of us this is the inevitable conclusion and what happens is that eventually eating becomes your only way to get off. Unless you can find a mate to help you out; you will be stuck in a loop of constantly snacking and even super obesity
3 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

I got to learn that this thing was well known in many societies if old. For many centuries Western European medieval and early modern sources mention couples which, due to obesity if both partners or one partner, could not perform sex with penetration either in some poses (missionary first of all) ir even in any pose. The church authorities mentioned the first of this situations ( when missionary sex is fully impossible due to fatness of one or both partners) as only excuse for using of other positions (they were prohibited by the church in general), and there were discussions what is worse from the church point of view in such cases when missionary position was impossible due to fatness - to use another position or to abstain of any sexual consummation of married life at all (oral and hand sex were prohibited as sins at any case). There were also discussions if it is permissible to use help of other people in conjugal sex when its difficult or impossible without help due to obesity of both or one partner

Some byzantine texts express moral reproaches to such families, that, when seeing that their children grow rapidly too fat and soon would be too fat for penetrative sex, dont try to stop it snd to return these young offsprings to modest life, but just try to marry them as quickly as possible, so that at the very moment of marriage they would be still able to consummate it with penetrative sex, in any position and even with any help, and these families arei fully indifferent to the further possibilities of the couple, they care only for the fact that the brides would be able for penetrative sex just after marriage, to consummate it.

Some variants of Tale of beautiful slavegirls in Arabian Nights states, thst one of the beauties (a Fat one) is so fat that she cant be penetrated at all by any partner in any pose. And still she is sexually attractive. In other variants it is said that it is very difficult but still possible to penetrate her.
3 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

Well, feel of laziness with overfeeding and put on weight is for me more hot than classical sex. Maybe I can satisfy my lust with feeder who can make me as fat that my dick will hidden (buried) in my deep fat
3 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

Too fat for sex? Not *yet*. Maybe one day. I'm not thin... but am certainly toned so I think my experience is different than those with two large partners. I think my largest partner was a man that was just north of 500 and 6 ft. He also gained pretty heavily in his legs and so that probably helped that I wasn't just maneuvering belly. I'm not saying it was easy... but worthwhile pursuits rarely are. Hah!
2 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

Fuuuuuck I can’t wait to be soo fat that the only way to make love to me is by pegging me.
2 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

I don't think that anyone can be too fat for sex. Even if both partners are morbidly obese. There is always your hands tongue and mouth.
2 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

I wrote a story about this topic: https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=308377

My goal here was to imagine what sex would be like at a given weight, increase the feedee's weight until that was no longer possible, and repeat.
2 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

I wrote a story about this topic: https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=308377

My goal here was to imagine what sex would be like at a given weight, increase the feedee's weight until that was no longer possible, and repeat.

This story by far captured the aspect of being the one who has let go to the point that they can only remember what it used to be like to have sex and now you can only dream of what used to be.
2 years

Too fat for sex - anyone experienced this?

As you get fatter, one position after another becomes impossible.

Captain Cake, you look like you're already too fat to penetrate a woman straddling your lap as you sit, because you can't get your belly out of the way.

You look like you'd struggle to pin a woman to the wall and penetrate her standing up. It might be possible, but with your belly so bulky and sagging, and your legs having to support so much weight, you can't do it for long. And if you keep gaining, it will quickly become impossible.

I have a true story about an ex who I fattened until ... well, you'll see: fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view

Ohhhh this post was soooo hot. Made me moan. Can 't wait until story.
1 year
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