
Once you got fat you´re body wants to get back there

I am was one and a half years ago at 300 pounds and had to lose weight because of health reasons. These healt issues are gone since half a year and since two month i am not anymore watching what i eat.
This has lead to the point i gained now over 30 pounds in two month without really trying it or feeding my self.
This makes me curious how fast i could get back to 300....
Do you find it easier too to get back to your old weight the to normally gain? or what was your experience with regaining weight?
4 years

Once you got fat you´re body wants to get back there

Once your body creates fat cells, they don't go away, they just lose the fat that's stored in them as you lose weight. Your body is very good at keeping track of how many fat cells it has and likes to keep you at that level. Even the bodies of people who have had liposuction gain fat quickly after the procedure because the body want to return to the level of fat cells it thinks it should be at.

Long story short. Once you lose weight it's way easier to gain it back because your body doesn't have to make new fat cells, it just fills up the ones it already has.
4 years

Once you got fat you´re body wants to get back there

There's definitely something to this. Just 2 1/2 years ago, I weighed about 160 pounds, and that seemed to be my set point.

Due to multiple gaining cycles using heavy whipping cream, I've been able to increase my weight to 282 pounds. Just last week, I was able to break through my previous plateau of about 270 pounds.

During this process I noticed that, once I had increased my weight to a certain point, my body likes to stay there. Even if I stop gaining and start eating the same exact diet I was eating at 160 pounds, my body doesn't want to lose all that weight. I'll maybe lose about 10 pounds, but then my body weight stabilizes and I'm now stuck at the heavier weight.

They say that if you want to keep your weight down, it's important not to gain it in the first place. Once your set point increases, your body will try to keep you there.

For people who want to be skinny, the set point can be very challenging. For gainers like myself, the set point is a blessing. It makes it easy for me to gain to a certain point, and then just stay there without needing to eat a lot of food to maintain the weight.
4 years