Fat experiences

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I've always been fat, so what I tend to notice is pretty subtle little differences. Now that I'm approaching 350, I've noticed that when I sit, my belt gets swallowed up between rolls, and I have a hard time tying my shoes. It doesn't happen often, but little developments like these are so hot to me.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

the other day i caught my reflection in the bus window and could not believe how much my belly was sticking out on my lap.

I'm still shocked when I see my reflection in mirrors, my belly can't be hidden. The thought of gaining another 100 more is so crazy to me but exciting.

Due to my belly most stores I use to shop at dont carry my size now and reality is setting in.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

A few years ago (pre-diet) when I got close to 300lbs, I realized that I would need a seat-belt extender for airplane seats. I remember my belly and butt bouncing into things. Restaurant booths were always too tight. Looking forward to those days again smiley
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

A few years ago. When I was 480 pounds. Buy belly started touching the steering wheel in the car. And I already drive with the seat all the way back. At that moment I realized I was getting big. I then dropped some weight. And now almost back to my old weight. And almost back to touching the wheel. So exciting.
4 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I sure do! I notice it every time I tie my shoes. This used to be such an easy thing to do, but now at 282 pounds, it really takes some effort. By the time I'm done, I'm typically out of breath and totally turned on.

I am well aware of how big I am. I notice how much space I take up. In fact, I had a very obvious reminder today. I was in an office and sat down in a regular, generic office chair with arms.

My legs were pinned between the chair's arms, with the arms digging uncomfortably into my thighs. I could see and feel my fat kind of enveloping the chair's arms. The rest of my body was fully taking up the space of that chair.
3 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

I nothing it all the time. I just noticed today that my calf fat jiggles as I waddle so that is a new sensation
3 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

My back and other parts tend to send a reminder of the bill being past due from cutting loose stuffing/eating overnight a week plus ago.

I understand that feeling all too well
3 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

Moving much slower when I go for a short walk, or grazing throughout the day and then realizing just how much I've been able to pack away....it really brings it home for me. Which just reminds me to go back for more
3 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

recently my thighs have started to chafe and now the inner part of them is becoming hairless from all the rubbing smiley

That happened to me, too! Bandelettes have been a life saver for me.
3 years

Do you ever really notice how far you've gotten?

My back and other parts tend to send a reminder of the bill being past due from cutting loose stuffing/eating overnight a week plus ago.

I understand that feeling all too well

Wise person told me that it goes with the territory. It does beat withdrawal or other alternatives.

Same here. I got my “ big person” chair at work this week that reminds me and others how far I have come.
3 years
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