
How to gain weight fast

So i’ve never intentionally tried to gain before because it’s still a scary idea for me to try. However I wanted to try to see how much I could gain in one week by just binging on absolute shit. Does anyone have any tips?
4 years

How to gain weight fast

So i’ve never intentionally tried to gain before because it’s still a scary idea for me to try. However I wanted to try to see how much I could gain in one week by just binging on absolute shit. Does anyone have any tips?

One week? you wont gain anything noticeable if you gain at all.

It takes weeks before you start to notice any real weight gain.
4 years

How to gain weight fast

Its amazing people seem to think gaining weight is easy.
To be open and honest it takes commitment and time to gain weight.
One week is just a blip on the radar and if you gain anything at all it will go away once you stop trying to gain.
It took me 6 months to gain much of anything when I first decided to try and gain. I stuffed myself day and night too.
4 years

How to gain weight fast

Me personally I started eating a larger quantity of food at each meal, snacking thru out the day.
Right before bed I would drink a glass of heavy cream or eat a bowl of ice cream.
It still took years to gain to the point I was happy with my weight and liked how I looked.
So one week isn't going to have any results.
I read a lot of posts saying I want to know how to gain weight fast and they seem upset when you tell them there really is no one way to do that.
4 years

How to gain weight fast

These days I gain very easily if I start eating more than usual.
I have been a lot heavier than I am now so I really have to watch how much I eat.
Some people do gain easily thats true some do not.
Another thing I see a lot on line is people giving advice on how to gain but they themselves have never have done it on purpose.
4 years

How to gain weight fast

Gaining weight has definitely been a process for me. There was nothing quick about it, and it required commitment and dedication.

I'm drinking a lot of heavy cream these days (1 and 2/3 quart per day), and it still takes time. Even with the heavy cream, I think I was only gaining 6 or 7 pounds per week for the first two weeks of my gaining cycle. That's not much. It typically takes me at least 15 to 20 pounds to start feeling my clothes get tighter.

Instead of giving yourself a time limit, how about giving yourself a weight limit. Perhaps try gaining 20 pounds and see how you feel about it.
3 years

How to gain weight fast

I agree with Zora.
It takes many months of effort and commitment on your part to make it happen.
3 years

How to gain weight fast

I agree with Zora.
It takes many months of effort and commitment on your part to make it happen.

Agreed. I used to be a semi professional football player and just like I had to use discipline to stay in condition; I had to use discipline to not go more than two days without gorging and it took me damn near twenty months to go from 234 to just over four hundred pounds.
3 years