Fattening others

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

My wife would be so much heavier if I was a feedee mutually gaining. I can't count how many times I've asked if she wants an ice cream and her response is always "Yumm......Are you getting one?" ?


"Oh... Nah, I'm pretty full, too."
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

For me, the excitement of getting others to gain made it very tempting to gain a few pounds too. At some point, I just gave into seeing what I am doing to others. It only started with a goal of 15 lbs to see if I could handle it. Before I knew it, I had actually put on 30 lbs. I was shocked at how much I gained but I really liked how soft I was getting. After 30 more lbs, I love it. The tables were turned.
5 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

For me, I've always been attracted to fat in general.
4 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

desperation to engage in their fetish in a way that is tangible. it can be difficult finding a partner who is a good fit and the real deal.
4 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

Upon further reflection, I realize there's just something deeply alluring when I see an SSBBW or a girl becoming one.

Something about her generous body exclaims "Hey admirer, welcome to my delicious world. Relax and come join me!"

Then, the feeder is like
"Okay, I'll fatten myself up with you, since I love you and you love me."

it is for this that the mutual gainer and the most balanced, I think
4 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

desperation to engage in their fetish in a way that is tangible. it can be difficult finding a partner who is a good fit and the real deal.

I can relate to this. I know this is an old thread, but here’s my personal experience:

I’m a feeder and FA by nature, from the beginning. Not really a feedee at all. I turned to a gainer lifestyle after I realized how unlikely it was that I would ever find a feedee to share my specific fantasy with. Especially considering my lifestyle (asexual, aromantic, and only interested in women feedees. And I’m a woman.)

So, I essentially am my own feeder. I look at it like I have a feedee but that feedee is myself. That might sound a little crazy, and for me it definitely doesn’t feel ideal. But, it’s better than nothing.
4 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

what do you get when cross a feeder with a strong desire to fatten a feedee with no perspective feedee? *eats cheeseburger

4 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I ended up getting deep into an emotional hole and started eating to cope. After eating to the point it hurt one night, I decided "screw fattening others, I'm going to fatten up for a while."
And I hadn't looked back.
3 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I think that it mostly comes from the realization that you can't find alot of feeders that are in your area so you eventually turn that inward. I have always had feeder tendencies because I was taught how to cook early so I loved to see people eat my cuisine and I always loved food but never to the point of getting full because I hated that sensation as a kid until I met my ex after college and she introduced me to this life and she started out as the feedee until she posed this question to me. What will happen if you don't have a feedee around then what will you do with those urges so I had to existentially think about that and realize that I have always had a secret relationship with fat so the eventual evolutionary step for me was to turn it inward. At first, I hated it because I was so used to being the enabler and I never saw myself as the type to be the one receiving the food and it is a transition but you eventually can't stop eating until you get full and you like that more than anything until you finally have that "I am fat" moment. This young lady that I am dating ask me to waddle over to her and I thought she was making fun of me until I realized that I can't walk without waddling now so that might be why feeders become feedees
3 years

Why do you think so many feeders become feedees?

I sooooo need to find a FA partner who'll treat me like his goddess! Maybe I'd end up embracing my fat instead of hating it.[/quote]

Your really cute, i would help you embrace your fat and weight gain.
2 years
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